Is it just me, or is it hard to adapt to situations where our lives are changed quickly or against our control?
I think it is. For the most part, I have found, and modified certain tools, to help me adapt, aka survive, my life. It’s taken years, numerous therapist, numerous stupid teachers who said I just needed structure, tons of yelling and tears, and even tons of self- doubt to get to this point; and I am forever grateful to those who believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, or was having a temper tantrum like a 3- year old.
Now, I use these modifications to my advantage, and revel in the idea of finding new ones more helpful than the current ones.
I’ll save us all the details, as I know we all have our own story, but without these tools, I’d prob be either dead or in jail. So, when things come along to throw my schedule off, I get pretty freaked out; I have been tested for the autism scale, and didn’t really fall into it, but my ADHD prevents me from adjusting quickly to the new event, place, or schedule. I try to « play it off » as no big deal, but anyone who truly knows me sees right through my ruse.
Am I the only one who finds myself in this position, and how do you handle it?