FYI, this short article in the US version of The Guardian outlines difficulties people are having with making decisions since Covid-19 has come around. Thought it was “interesting” to read because brain fog and too many options can cause “decision fatigue” which the AMA recognizes as a problem. Seems to me this is something ADHDers face every day.
Guardian article about inabilit6 to m... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Guardian article about inabilit6 to make decisions
Whoops! Typo in my subject matter - meant “inability”
Yes, an ongoing crisis and stressor like pandemic Covid saps executive function ... and executive function weakness is what we ADHD people have ... Also older folks (not all) start to often lose some executive function ... a friend of mine is experiencing that ... When he was younger, he could organized ten things at the same time and do them all well. He still can do a version of that, but he has to work much harder than before ...
So it's interesting: I've been able to relate to his struggles based on my own weak executive function that has nothing to do with aging but everything to do with ADHD. And I think his struggle helped him connect with my ADHD. So many non ADHD people can't relate or don't want to relate to or imagine what the condition is like.
Maybe it's me, but I don't see a link. What's the title of the article - I can search for it?
^this the one?
Could totally relate. Seems like modern life is pulling neurotypical people towards ADHD symptoms. My extension, that means it's reinforcing our ADHD tendencies. Super-relevant.
Sorry I did not provide a link. It is in the Guardian, 1/12/22. Finding It impossible to make decisions? You’re not alone. Author is Anouchka Grose
There was a huge article in the NYTimes re the sudden crisis shortage of psychiatrists and talk/psychotherapists in the US because of all the pandemic occupiers if you willl; people who suddenly "cannot cope." If that is because of executive function issues on their part I don't recall. However because I depend on both those professional categories (I have a great pschiatrist), I have had great recent difficulty finding a capable and reliable talk therapist. AND I've needed and had talk therapy most of my adult life. Yet somehow I'm taking a back seat to the pandemic people. Kind of aggravating to say the least.