Medication Question: Hi there, I’m new... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Medication Question

tennisdogjazzelfblue profile image

Hi there, I’m new to the site/community. I was hoping for some insight on a medication question.

For those of you with ADHD and on medication as part of that treatment, do you take meds every single day?

Or do you skip weekends or other days when you don’t have work/school?

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tennisdogjazzelfblue profile image
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10 Replies

Hi, newer to the meds side but I take them on my off days because my goal was specifically getting school and cleaning done at home. Work keeps my attention very occupied and I don't want to build up a tolerance to the point I have to keep taking more and I'm not getting the same effect

tennisdogjazzelfblue profile image
tennisdogjazzelfblue in reply to

Thank you ! I have been on them for a long time and take them daily because I get withdrawal effects if I don’t (fatigue esp).

I take every day, though there are weekend days when I get really lazy and forget to take til late and then I skip it if the med affects my sleep, but 90 percent of the time I take everyday.

ADHD doesn't just affect our work/school selves. It has devastating effects on relationships, social life, having fun, in finding good hobbies, showing up on time for good hobbies, interacting with people, listening to people, building friendships, remembering to call a certain friend ... getting clear on our own thoughts ... addictive tendencies ... and on and on ... we make money decisions on weekends as well as week days ... Lord knows dumb money decisions can make life miserable ...

I'm not sure where the idea arose that ADHD meds are only for job. No, ADHD disrupts our lives ... And in fact, I will say that part of the overall effective treatment for ADHD is to have a good life outside of work and school ... But literally having fun on the weekend requires executive function and planning ... finding ways to recuperate on the weekend requires planning and executive function ... not being spaced out on a date or time with friends benefits from better executive function ... And these non-work/non-school activities actually help with overall life satisfaction and thus with ADHD ...

Hi Gettingittogether -

I TOTALLY agree. The reason I wanted to get a sense of how others feel about it is because I’ve had an issue with my prescriber thinking that running out of my ADHD medication is not an “emergency”, and treating it as nonemergent in terms of timing with returning calls relevant to that prescription refill. She also questioned my judgement because I called an emergency line for the practice when I couldn’t get in touch with her in time to fill it. When I don’t take it I feel AWFUL - like major mental health crisis - and I had missed a few days when I reached out to the emergency line.

I guess I’m wondering whether psych practitioners are all on the same page about this. Like do psychiatrists generally agree that you shouldn’t let a patient run out of these types of meds? Do they see it the same way they would see running out of Lexapro or any other med?

My providers (three psychiatrists and a nurse practitioner over 13 years) have always wanted me to keep up with meds. It's surprising and disappointing to hear the attitude of your psychiatrist. Not having ADHD meds may not be as much of a crisis as say, running out of antidepressants--OK, I might concede that.

But sounds like for you missing the meds is huge. Good job to call the emergency line when you had trouble getting through. Good job of pushing through your ADHD and being aggressive in your own caretaking and advocacy.

Your psychiatrist might have felt some shame for not responding to you earlier ... and displaced that shame onto you.

Oh one more point. Taking meds requires some order and routine. The problem with skipping days is that it breaks that habit and routine. Habits and routines are so important, especially for people with ADHD. A habit-routine is something we can do on automatic and don't have to use working memory and executive function to follow through with. So your psychiatrist is missing the boat on this point as well. It's not good for us ADHD folks to break a good routine!

Good job you!

Thank you for this. It took a lot for me to advocate for myself in that state. It was a high pressure time for work, and having already lost a job & a home this year due to the pandemic, the thought of missing a third day of work at a new job due to being out of meds .... I just couldn’t fathom it. It did end up creating a situation that affected my performance and my employer’s perception of/trust in me. My provider knows how hard this year has been.

Shnookie profile image

Hi. It’s Shnookie. I take my ADHD meds every day. And in fact my meds have been increased. I’m 63 and read that it becomes harder for women over 60 re ADHD which I need to research. I would never want to stop my meds.

75ADHDgal profile image

I am no longer on meds due to a cardiac condition. When I was i skipped days not owrking or not needing to get things done in timely manner- No need for daily use

Spiritcat profile image

Hi..I take them every single day..

ChillPillPlease profile image

I’ve been on Ritalin 5mg 3 x per day for a week so far.

My psych said to take every day on this small dose and she will review in a month

She advised every day and to be honest already my life has changed for the better. There’s absolutely no way I want to revert to my former 57 years of thinking - ever

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