ADHD & Driving. Any tips?: I got my... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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ADHD & Driving. Any tips?

Mar_mar profile image
5 Replies

I got my permit a couple of weeks ago and have been practicing almost daily. It's been such a challenge to keep my mind focused as every time I get behind the wheel it feels like it's my first time driving. For instance, despite me nailing how to make a left turn one day, the next I completely forget how I did it and just wing it. At that point, it doesn't matter if I do it right, just that I get it over with. I've been getting annoyed with myself, lately, as I've been watching videos on YouTube which give you tips on how to drive yet I forget to apply them whenever I'm driving. It's starting to discourage me as I feel I haven't made much progress in the past 3 wks to schedule my driving test ☹ What's kept me going is my goal to get my driver's license before I go back to college near the end of Sept as I won't have the same support system and resources to keep practicing.

Have any of you had a similar experience when learning how to drive?

Do y'all know of any tips for calming yourself down behind the wheel?

Thank you to those who've read this 💗

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5 Replies
HeyImNotCrazy profile image

For me it was a matter of practice, practice, and more practice. I was always super scared to drive when I first got my license (back when dirt was new and dino's still roamed the earth lmao) and the only thing that really helped was driving so much it became muscle memory.

For me the hardest thing was checking my mirrors regularly (I would just forget lol) so what I did is I would time it to songs on the radio. When a song would start I would go: left mirror, center mirror, right mirror. Same direction each time. Doing that made it into a habit that I didn't have to think about, new song means I check my mirrors. I did it so often that it just became a background thing in my brain and now that I've been driving for decades it just isn't something I think about.

Don't get so annoyed with yourself driving is actually hella hard and most people don't actually do it ANYWHERE near as well as they think they do. I mean all you have to do is drive for a few hours and you can see any number of grown ass adults with licenses doing really dumb shit that almost gets them killed.

To keep calm in my car when I was scared or nervous I would practice deep breathing exercises. Deep breath in through the mouth for a three count, hold for three, exhale through the nose for three. You could also try making a "driving" playlist of relaxing music to play which might help.

Try not to oversaturate yourself with YT tips and focus only on the basics for now. You have time to learn all the other stuff later through practice. You don't need to be an expert to get a DL (at least in the US) you just need to prove you're not going to freak out and run someone over or run a stop sign.

You can do this man! We're all rooting for you!


in reply to HeyImNotCrazy

Hi. I agree with Heyimnotcrazy, actual practicing will be better than filling your mind with yt vids, there's so many opinions out there. I'm the same with watching how to ride a mountain bike vids, I'm better if I just ride my bike. And trying to recall their advice while actual driving sounds stressfull to me. To me learning to drive was about driving steadily and reacting to what you see. Cars behind you can wait. Mirror, signal, manoeuvre is the same as walking across a road, except maybe you don't signal when doing that aye. Go somewhere quiet where you can handle the traffic volume and drive drive drive, repeat repeat till thinks become automatic. I've been driving so long I sometimes end up in the wrong place because I was driving on brain autopilot. It's ok, like dancing there will always be someone worse at it than you. And yes I was terrified at first. My mum was so looking forward to not having to drive me about she took me out practicing loads between lessons.You'll get it, you'll be safe. ADHD gives us an observation superpower, there's plenty of interesting things for us to concentrate on.

in reply to

When you "just wing it" and don't cause a crash or harm/alarm or disturb any other road users, give yourself a star 🌟 and a smile, that's driving 👍

Mar_mar profile image
Mar_mar in reply to

You're right, practicing is the best way to learn something especially when you slowly work your way up to higher levels of difficulty. Ha and I agree, ADHD is a superpower when it comes to observing things. Its come in clutch for me multiple times on the road. You've learned from you that it's acceptable to take things slow even it if means other drivers changing lanes to drive ahead of you (as long as it's safe). Thank you for your advice! 👌

Mar_mar profile image
Mar_mar in reply to HeyImNotCrazy

Thank you for sharing Heyimnotcrazy! Checking mirrors has been a struggle for me too. I either check them too often or not at all, I feel it's part of my ADHD symptoms: losing track of time. But I really like your trick of checking them when a new song plays. I'll give it a try! Also, thank you for the reassurance. My anxiety has tricked me into thinking that those with a DL are a pro but thinking back on it yeah, I've seen a lot of drivers make some life-threatening decisions on the road as I'm driving. But following the basics, like keeping a 3 sec distance, has helped prevent having a car accident.

I appreciate the support! 😊💯

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