Why do I search for a online relationship?
Why so I have a need to stimulate my ... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Why so I have a need to stimulate my brain and emotions for a companions
Only you can answers why you are looking for companionship online. Do you struggle face to face or just enjoy the chase ?
I don’t have any issues with face to face. My only problem is I want someone to fill that void.
I don’t find it in my life. Like to know one with true deep feelings
I can relate. However, it's important to think deeply about the origin of this longing. I have learned that the difficulties my ADHD have caused me made me feel more lonely. With counselling, I discovered that I began to believe that I was incapable of being independent. People with ADHD can be less independent and need to rely on the support of loved ones and those who understand the challenges we with ADHD face, but if this becomes a core belief that we go so far as to identify or define ourselves on this need, it can become self-destructive. There are limits for adders on how much we ought to believe in ourselves for the sake of self-awareness and being realistic considering our symptoms, but the human brain is still plastic, and if we don't change our thinking about how big our self-efficacy tank is (believing it is larger than we think rather than smaller) we can deceive ourselves into accomplishing less, just as much as we can deceive ourselves into accomplishing unrealistic goals for having an ADHD brain. This can result in us relying wholly on ourself, or shooting ourself in the foot so to speak, to get others to take care of us because we don't believe we can from the get go... And this has been the subconscious origin of the longing I’ve had that you describe experiencing yourself.
Hope this helps.
Well I like to chat with you. Interesting view.
Are you dealing with this as well or is it your assumption of me ?

LOL probably a little bit of both
I’m Steve pleasures all mine, and thank you.
Maybe it’s connection you are longing for but I can’t answer the question for you. You are doing the right thing reaching out on this group and hope you find some helpful suggestions x