Are there times that you are more ove... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Are there times that you are more overwhelmed with tasks, projects, etc. then others?

MrsKlco profile image
9 Replies

Warning: ya might need a coffee and a comfy chair.

So this past week, I was in a crazy space. I wanted to clean the house (but it is too … overwhelmed... I hope someone can understand my my hubby, it doesn't make sense), repair my chipped countertop, organize the garage, repair boy's pants and sew couch pillows. I can go on, and on and on. I felt that I could do all of this but then I would be completely overwhelmed and feel nauseous and needing to lay down. DO I NEED TO BE HOSPITALIZED?

So... what is going on? My hubby is working 7 days a week, 7am-10/11pm for the past three weeks and the kids are driving me crazy. Most times they will not listen to me. All the nice Mom tricks are not working and angry Mom is out with vengeance. OK in reality, I lost it. ...several times.

My work, this week was not cool ether, I feel used (maybe abused) more then I have ever had been before. I am the lowest on the totem pole at my job and had volunteered first to teach class. Not that I have time....My coworker volunteered to teach class (it was her or me). ether of us would be behind in our own work. BUT SHE VOLUNTEERED? The next two days she is going on and on about not EVER volunteering again. (So that means one thing....throw me under the bus and turn a blind eye!)

That is cool!! I am still trying to process why I feel a certain (evil evil grrrr) way but can't iron down the words yet. So I will keep my evil grrrr's to myself... Frustrating! AAAAAnnnd my boss went on va'ca...crap!

Today, my hubby is finally off work, but only for Sunday and Monday. He calls me at work and is begging me to come home and when can we get (together) ummmm sex? Really. Angry Mom is feeling …(if only you could hear my evil laugh!!) ...I took my time getting home today.

Thank you for reading,


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MrsKlco profile image
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9 Replies
GatsbyCat profile image


Wow! Really tough week! Major ugh!

Don't know where to start, so much going on, but I will try, and yeah, even though I'm the one with ADHD I feel like unless I start the project, it DOESN't freakin get done... and he's "normal"... riiigggggggghhhhhhhhhhtttt! Yeah, right.

Angry Mom sure could use a break!! Here's an idea (possibly stupid) that might work:

How old are the kids? Can they help with organizing stuff in garage?

4 Boxes - 1 for keep, 1 for THROW AWAY, 1 for Donate, and last for SELL - ebay, Craigslist, etc...

While they are stuck at home- create a chore list and a play list for them... Kids can help out and do things appropriate to their ages to make things better. Plus they learn responsibility instead of Mom doing everything.

After all when the little Klco's grow up, don't they need to know how to make their own mac 'n cheese, cheese sandwich, cheese board... mend their own pants?!! Teach them to sew..

When they've completed their chore list, everyone gets to listen to Mom's favorite music (awww I don't like that music... why do you get to pick? I never get to pick!!) and dance or whatever fun activity.. board game??? you all might like :-) Reward Time!!

Do you have a lovely friend nearby, or mom, or mom in law that could take kids for 1 day? You of course, will do something wonderful in return...

Hubby, hmmm... well what's he gonna do for you? Negotiate, and get what you want too! Also, since he's kind of an absentee parent right now that makes it harder for you. Have him take the kids one of the days he's off. The children need their dad too. (Plus he will see how hard it is to do everything and appreciate you more) Evil chuckles here... insert witch laugh

Okay, blah, blah... hope this helps out and there's more help at:

Good luck on this awesome journey of life!



MrsKlco profile image
MrsKlco in reply to GatsbyCat

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Bonus!! Hubby has had the boys for the past two day and the house AND garage is, weeeellllll, straitened up. I can not ask for more.

I have my sanity back....feeew

Your reply was a prefect end to a diner conversation with our neighbors. We laughed about the relevance of your response. Great job!!

Unfortunately, I have no contact with my Mother (very difficult subject, it has been almost 3 years) and have tried other family members but they are not able to help.

Kiddo's start school tomorrow!!!

I am so thankful for all the responses and encouragement.

Hope I can do the same when needed.


GatsbyCat profile image
GatsbyCat in reply to MrsKlco

Hello, again~ Glad I could help out Renee! Yeah, we all need some humor to get through our days, it really does make everything better. And, I'll reach out to you when I need some good advice too 😃🌻 Take care Adrienne

RCJH8610 profile image

I can completely relate to your post! I definitely feel overwhelmed with all the daily tasks that come with being a wife, mother and employee 🥴😣. I’ve noticed that exercise helps me manage my feelings of being overwhelmed BUT I am also exhausted most days so although I know exercise would help, I haven’t been doing it. It’s important for you to know you are not alone ❤️🤯

MrsKlco profile image
MrsKlco in reply to RCJH8610

Thank you sooooo much!! I agree that exercise helps, it did when I was younger. Now I am fat(ish) and old(ish). The further I get away from being physically and emotionally healthy. I just need to get back to it.

Thank you for responding.


GatsbyCat profile image
GatsbyCat in reply to MrsKlco

Hey, hey now! You can still kick butt and wrangle the kids and the hubby, so it's not so bad. Start slow, and make it fun. If you've got a backyard or a local playground, you could sloooowwwllllyyyy jog around it for a max of 5 minutes... then since children have way more energy to burn, they could jog for a bit longer, and you could start timing them with stop watch functions to see who is the fastest... etc..

Before you know it, you'll have worn out all those little Klco's who'll all fall asleep immediately at 8pm.... heee-heee..

Seriously, I started getting myself back in to shape by doing eliptical and pilates with many groans and sore muscles at first. 10 minutes to start and add 1 minute a day slow and steady.. Also releases the good neurotransmitters in our brains, dopamine and more! YOU CAN DO IT!

Take care~


MrsKlco profile image
MrsKlco in reply to GatsbyCat

Your awesome!!! New shoes = tennis for us. I really appreciate the ideas and inspiration!! Have a great day🤗

Nick1913 profile image

Hi MrsKlco,

I am an ADDer also... focus on the steps of the projects., not the completed project.... I started to put down new flooring.... took a few months but it’s completely finished... I broke it down to little steps.... watching instructional videos.... picking up tools.... watching more videos.... cleaning up the floor... taking up the carpet.... taking up the tack boards.... etc ...etc...etc.... point being the small steps made it less overwhelming.... best part was I had about 90% of it in and done. I told my non-ADDer wife ... I am feeling overwhelmed... I am feeling anxious and I am taking a few days off.... I needed the break.... a few days later I was back at it until done... thing is those breaks are necessary for our wellness, but we also need to go back and finish... I enjoy saying, yeah I did that and I did it myself.... thank you very much 😁 my personal motto.

One project with 50 steps or 5 steps with 10 steps each... whatever works use.

Catjoy profile image

Hello oh gosh, I don't even want to go's so overwhelming and you know -- I have about 100 magazines which are pile up, I walk by and say will do tomorrow and guess what its been a year...yep that s right oh gosh clutter its really a major stress for ADHD I got it tell ya, I do cry as well and you know what. My friends tell me I'm such a sensitive girl -- but do they know how my innatentive brain functions, absolutely not and do I tell then -- yes but they think I'm excuses oh no ADHD its only about focus, and I just got tired of explaining myself I let them think what they think...

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