I’m 33, I was diagnosed with ADHD at 17 in college. I’ve had ups and downs with it but I was seeing a nurse practitioner at my neurologist office for 10+ years and she knew me so well that I didn’t have to remember anything , just if meds were working or not. If they weren’t she was amazing with tips and tricks on the behavioral end. Basically, she was well informed and experienced with adult ADHD. While pregnant with my twins, she retired. The NP I saw at my first post natal appt was a clown. I told her the meds weren’t working and her response was “okay, what do you want to take instead?”. My inattentive, impatient nature leads to me not being a techy person. Nor do I have the time, patience or ability to diagnosis or create solutions to medical issues VIA the internet. Also, not my effing job. This lead to a relentless, tormenting search for ANY doctor that has experience with adult ADHD...period...let alone in women...to help me. This leads me to where I am now, seeing a ‘therapist’ once a week while waiting for my appt to see the psychiatrist. Our weekly sessions thus far (about a month) mostly include me teaching him about ADHD 😑 from what he said the psychiatrist is also going to be more on the clinical end of things.
I need help.
I’ve tried every trick in the book: timers, lists, sticky notes on the mirror, planners (HAH!) all while being on medication.
Throw 1 year old twins in the mix along with a 7 year old and a husband who thinks ADHD is an excuse and passive aggressively attempts to appease me.
I just need to get my house in actual order with a system that works in place and I know for a fact I will be golden because it’s worked in the past. (Not owning my own entire house and having 3 kids though)
How the hell am I supposed to accomplish that when I have two little (VERY VERY GOOD!) toddlers running a muck and needing me?!?
I can’t afford all the fancy shit like counselors and babysitters and mothers helpers and coaches, I don’t have the financial means to bring other people in and not one of my friends have kids yet and everyone works full time and has their own shit to do. Not to mention they don’t have/ know the ins and out of ADHD so they couldn’t help me the way I need it. I also don’t have the mental capacity to educate another person on it when I’m the one who needs the help.
This forum is my last hope.
I’m utterly defeated and I’ve been through more real life shit than most people experience in a lifetime. I made it through all of that but I can’t solve this. UGH! 🤦🏼♀️