I’m a stay at home mom of 4 small children. I’m constantly cleaning up messing,dressing,feedin n the list goes on, but when I need to chores it’s like my fast paced mind just sloooowwwws down. I jump from kid to kid n back again. Brushing teeth, turning lights on gettin juice I rarely sit down n if I do im up a min later cuz there’s 30 things goin thru my mind of wat I actually didn’t get accomplished today. But when it comes down to scrubbing floor I’m just not into it. I’m not tired but I’d rather do something more exciting n put wiping the walls down for another day. Then before I know it it’s to overwhelming n then I def don’t want to do it cuz I don’t know where to start. I have 5 things goin on at a time so I work all day but it looks like nothing is done. I can’t stay focused to finish a task I move on to something else that seem more important at the moment. I procrastinate every single thing I do but that’s how I work best. Fly by the seat of my pants. I need that chaos to have stuff done right. If something takes to long it doesn’t get done but if I only have 15 min to do the task then I’m at top of my game. My bf will sometimes tell me we r havin guest in an hour sjust so I get in my zone n speed around the house like a mad woman’s but that’s all I know
House work blues: I’m a stay at home... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
House work blues
I feel I should be the last to give advise on this subject but try to keep to a routine and maybe get your kids involved. It's easier to stay on track if others are doing it with you. Even young ones can do simple chores.
Expanding on what Rickytshirt said about routines, you might want to try making a schedule. If you can find a schedule or routine that you can stick to it can really reduce the chaos. Also, if you have scheduled break time you can relax without constantly thinking “I don’t have time for this. I should be working,” or worrying about when to start working again.
Good luck! I hope that helps!
" I procrastinate every single thing I do but that’s how I work best. Fly by the seat of my pants. I need that chaos to have stuff done right. If something takes to long it doesn’t get done but if I only have 15 min to do the task then I’m at top of my game."
I could've written this myself, it describes me exactly! I've written 10+ page research papers the night before they were due and aced them but if I try to start early on, I get massive writer's block that leads to a search for ANY other activity. LOL
Try making a habit to wake up 2hr before anyone else in the home. It’s nice. You’ll need to discipline going to bed a little earlier but the stuff I get done during that time sets my day up for a better day. Also I think you should budget in for a weekly or bi-weekly home cleaning service. Let them do the detail cleaning, let them do it all. You will be swept off your feet with happiness once you make a budget for a cleaning crew 👌good luck
The wake/sleep routine you mentioned has been a goal of mine for a while. One I've been struggling to achieve but I'm not giving up. Also, love the cleaning crew advice!
100% agree. I started a wake up routine in February and I'm still doing it every morning. Mine consists of appreciation therapy, making my bed, listening to music that I love while getting ready, and trying to fit a few exercises in when I have the time. It really gets my mind and body prepared for a good day ahead.
break up the larger chores into smaller chunks; also find a way to make some of it fun or interesting, like maybe involve the kids like Rickytshirt said. If there is some reward for yourself it will help to motivate