Hi everyone, my name is jenni, I’m a 31yo single mom with an amazing 4yo son. Recently we were living in a domestic violence shelter for over 4 months until I was fortunate enough to find an amazing program through Vantage Health Systems, a mental health facility, called Opening Doors. The program provides HUD backed housing vouchers for those who are homeless or facing homelessness who struggle with their mental health & was accepted! My son and I are now living in a great apt 100% on our own for the first time & it is absolutely wonderful to have my son out of the previous toxic environments we had to live in prior.
However, I think any parent with ADHD, especially single ones with young children, knows how disheartening & difficult it is. I want nothing more than to do everything I possibly can to fulfill my sons needs in every way, now that we have a peaceful environment, but I feel like I’m failing him and drowning in overwhelmedness!
I’ve been on Adderall 20mg IR for 8+ years now, from 2 a day to 3 a day and then the past 2 months up to 120/day which was shockingly making a huge difference for me. Suddenly when I went back to my psych this month she refused to prescribe me the 120 I was really flourishing on and insisted I had to go back down to the 90/month. After being on this med for the better part of 10 years now, my tolerance to it is unbelievable, I can literally take 40mg and fall asleep an hour later...some days it seems to still work others not at all. I’ve tried Adderall XR which was like taking a placebo, it did absolutely nothing for my ADHD and I’ve tried Vyvanse, which was better than nothing but still so far Adderall IR is still helps more than the others.
I was reading up on the new medication made by Shire, the original makers of the namebrand Adderall, called Mydayis. It sounds really promising but I searched for user reviews online endlessly and most ppl loved it but still quite a few said it did nothing, and I fear that those ppl are likely medication tolerant such as myself and that I too will see no results from it.
Has anyone yet tried Mydayis? Or would recommend something else they believe might work well for me? I’m desperate, I’ve only had this apt for 2 months and everything I should be doing is falling apart alresdy!