Can you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow? Or is it a struggle to get enough sleep?
Read up on the latest research in "New Research Directions on ADHD and Sleep" at Let us know what works best for you!
Can you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow? Or is it a struggle to get enough sleep?
Read up on the latest research in "New Research Directions on ADHD and Sleep" at Let us know what works best for you!
Hello, everyone. I'm 62 yrs male MD from Belgium, thus probably an outsider in this mainly US network. I had a diagnosis of ADD (no H) made only about a year ago, even though I have been struggling with focusing my attention on my work, procrastination, impulsiveness, etc since I was a medical student. Luckily, I have never had any sleep problem. I fall asleep in less than 30'' after hitting the pillow, and I sleep like a log. I also have the capacity to fall asleep nearly everywhere at any time of the day or night, on buses, trains, airplanes, as a passenger in cars, etc. This helps me a lot to recover during intercontinental travel, which I often do for my job. I noticed recently that sleeping at least for 9h, which I seldom can afford to do, has about the same effect on my mind performance as my usual morning dose of ritaline. In conclusion, at least in my case, the level of melatonin does not seem to interact with my sleep.