Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

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All posts for May 2023

Intuniv for ADHD...when to give dose

My son, 11, was started on Intuniv (guanfacine) 1mg, 9 months ago 1hr before bed...

Parent disagree on ADHD

My wife is a wonderful mom, but unfortunately struggles with teaching kids basic...

Summer camp for ADHD

I'm looking to setup my 6 year old son for a day camp during the summer geared t...
KAtotheW profile image
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National Shortage

Sorry if this has already been posted, but I am wondering how everyone is handli...
Numberate profile image

Friendship Groups?

Hi! my 8yr old son struggles with peer relationships and does not have any close...

adhd 8year old

hi my son had been diagnosed with adhd now for the past year, he is very sensiti...
Sj12wxm profile image

Pain Relief and Sleep

My son broke his arm yesterday and we gave him ibuprofen before bed in hopes the...
Rosie232 profile image

Avoiding under-stimulation with a broken arm?

My 6-year-old just broke his arm. We get the cast tomorrow, so I'm sure the doct...
Rosie232 profile image

Paid Research Opportunity for Parents

We are still recruiting parents to complete our online research study! Does you...
UHCLresearch profile image

too early to diagnose? Possible ADHD early symptoms

my son who has just recently turned 3 is a typical boy, very energetic , hyperac...
Lovey23 profile image

ADHD meds?

Starting my 5 year old on medication this summer! He is incredibly hyperactive a...
redmama2 profile image

med/Vet School

looking to talk to other parents of young adults who has an ADHD student in medi...
garyshari profile image

support group for daily motivation

I notices that motivation is contageous and seeing or connecting with others who...

Tips for adult son with ADHD

I have a 28 years son who has ADHD and decided to live abroad. I am worried that...
Hidden profile image

Adult son has adhd

I am struggling with the decision of my adult son with ADHD to live alone in a f...
Hidden profile image

Thinking about switching to Supplements for ADHD/ASD

Hi, does anyone have experience with Hardy Nutritional or Kids Mood +? I’m thin...

Sleep issues- Is it the medication?

Hello! Every night at 7pm I give my daughter 2MG of melatonin and at 8PM she is ...
LF2023 profile image

Concerta sleep issues

Hi everyone! My son is turning seven next week and has been medicated for his ad...

How to occupy an ADHD kid when you're exhausted?

My son is 5 and has ADHD. I work full time at a stressful job and also have a 3 ...
redmama2 profile image

Toronto support group?

Does anyone know of any in-person caregiver support groups in Toronto? I’m new t...

Parents Needed for a Paid Research Study! [Online]

Does your child (age 2-12) have disruptive or challenging behaviors like tantrum...
UHCLresearch profile image

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