My daughter was diagnoed in 2021 with ADHD. She is now 15 and she is really struggling. I do not know where to get any help from. The only thing is, this is the factor here, I do not want her to get on meds. I know many will disagree. What resources are there? What can I do? I am totally lost and need some help.
Hello families.: My daughter was... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Hello families.
Not being judgemental but you said it. You and she are really struggling. If she had asthma would you not give her an inhaler or her vision was impaired, not give her glasses?
Adhd is no different. No parent is thrilled with the idea of giving our kids medication but their brains need it to function and feel right. Can you imagine what it must feel like for her everyday? There is so much misinformation out there about medication. Help her now, before she leaves the house and drowns further. The American Academny of Pediatrics recommends Parent training, school support (IEP or 504 plans) and medication to treat Adhd. My son would be miserable if he didnt have the correct medication. He understands how important it is and likes how he can control himself better on it. For parent training, I highly recommend adhd dude Ryan Wexelblatt. He has an excellent online training for parents.
Speak with a child psychiatrist to get more information and maybe they can answer your concerns. Parenting an adhd child is a tough road. Use every tool you can to help yourself do it
Medication and CBT. The meds are going to help more than anything else. She’s struggling, you’re struggling. When she gets the right medication, it could be life changing for you both. Also, statically, unmedicated teens and young adults with ADHD are more likely to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. I understand wanting to try other things before medicating, but it sounds like you’ve had years. It’s time to try meds. Best wishes for you both!
I recommend the books Finally Focused by James Greenblatt (if you are open to supplements) and the Explosive Child by Ross Greene if you haven’t read them yet…We found both to be extremely helpful when exploring non-medication options. If you can find an integrative or functional psychiatrist to help you—even better. Best of luck finding what works for you and your daughter!
I have three, and 15 is a difficult age. so much is going on with their maturation, emotional and social growth. There is paper behind medication having a protective effect on children. If you cannot access the part of the brain that is responsible for motivation/reward and decision making, how are you to develop those abilities to self manage? ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. There is a 2-5 years lag in social and emotional growth. She us already very aware if this and it is why she could be struggling to hold it together day after day. Its a frustrating and difficult life. I have two kids with ADHD. My daughter cannot take medication. I watch her run herself into the ground, trying to compensate for the things she has difficulty with. Girl are socialized very differently and internalize much of their anxiety and depression. My son has been medicated since he was 6. I know that he wouldn't be here if we didn't get him the medical help that he needed. ADHD has an 80% coexisting condition rate for one additional disorder and 60% chance of having two. This is a serious medical condition and if you are seeing it then its already worse than that There is also research supporting the closing of the gap in delay of brain maturation also gets less with medical management. What exactly are your concerns about medical treatment?