we are struggling with our 9y old who was diagnosed a year ago with ADHD. Would love to hear from other parents what parent training programs they have done. For those that did more than one would love to hear your recommendations. Thank you
ADHD parent training programs - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
ADHD parent training programs

ADHD DUDE has an online program that I really like and have done myself
Yes, ADHD DUDE parent training has helped our family so much. Very approachable and gets to the point with an actual plan on how to help your child.
Do you have an email address for them? None of the links to register for membership are work, nor is the email contact link.
Hi! Penny Williams has courses that I have liked. She also has a podcast called beautifully complex that is helpful. She also has many professionals that she has on. There is also a program called Parenting Boys Peacefully (&it's free )
Hi! I couldn’t find that course in a Google search. You wouldn’t happen to have a link, would you? Thank you!
Wait… there’s training? I thought my partners and my life experiences would be help enough since we both also have adhd… 😅😬
We found PCIT (with a psychologist) helpful. It did not make a huge difference but it made a small one, and helped us learn optimal ways to respond. I would do it again, even though it was time consuming.
another vote for adhddude…Ryan is amazing
Triple p parenting, the incredible years, and PCIT are all three peer reviewed and proven parent training programs. If you reach out to your state’s parent resource center you may find that one of these is already available for free where you live. Find yours here: parentcenterhub.org/find-yo...
Check what CHADD (chadd.org), the national ADHD advocacy group, offers for parent training.
Start with medication, especially at that age. Therapy does not work without medication. They need to focus and be attentive in order to learn the skills therapy teaches. Without the medication you'll find yourself going in circles. Do your son a favor and trial focalin
Thank you, appreciate the input. I agree with you. Yes. We started medication a year ago. Yes, he is doing focalin. Yes, we saw an improvement in focus, but we also saw a lot of emotional instability that was not there before, but were able to reduce that following the lessons learned from a clinical trial. I will describe that on another post as it might benefit some parents. Also, yes, he has weekly counseling sessions. HOWEVER, current data shows that parents that do training have a tremendous positive impact in their kids life. Moreover, some clinics like the Mayo Clinic recommend parent training as the first approach for ADHD kid treatment.
Are there any parent training resources that are affordable for low income families?