My son, now 18, was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type in the fall of 2020. He has been working with a 1 hour weekly EF tutor and attending a guided study hall at high school which meets 2-3 times per week. He has been accepted to college, but still struggles with: prioritization, completing assignments (and doing so even with extended time). His teachers sometimes ask if he needs help and he says "no." I know it is common to think everything is fine or for a teen to not want help. That said, he always goes to the EF tutor willingly and comes back saying it was helpful. We do see that he feels more positive after the tutor and often makes progress on the important things at that time too. As a senior, he like others, has some spring fever, I think.
His 504 review (only the second one we've attended). Is coming up this week. He has fairly standard accommodations for extra time, chunking of larger projects, etc. One thing they have on there is to set meeting times based on a schedule he and the teacher arrange. I know that this is an attempt to get him to ask for help, but a set schedule would be better.
Long story long. There is a program at the college he hopes to attend in the fall for children with EF/ADHD etc. It requires a set amount of time in a study hall environment with one-on-one help and tutors. I think this structure would work very well for someone like my son who tends not to get the help even when it is offered in passing. He has applied, but it is a waitlisted program and they mentioned that a detailed documentation beyond just a 504 list would be helpful for them to see if he qualifies. Otherwise, he has access to tutors on campus, but has to self-motivate to go. Any thoughts about what we can ask for during the 504 or from his teachers or the group who assessed him just over 2 years ago that would help support us asking for the structure he needs to access the learning and succeed next fall?
The trouble with just looking at grades is that the resulting B doesn't show the dips to D and F and frantic recovery and effort it took to get there. So many look at this child and say, he seems to be doing fine. These dips are also happening with the extra tutoring and study hall, so I feel like it is critical to keep many check-ins weekly so that professors are aware of the status of projects. I think the school is fairly aware of ADHD issues and the professors seem very interested in helping the kids succeed. I just want to make sure that he takes advantage of all of the support that can help him succeed there. We know we are very fortunate to have been able to provide an EF coach. We also know, since my husband has similar diagnosis and struggles, that ongoing support will make a big difference.
Thank you for any guidance on questions or requests for the 504 and documentation that might be or has been helpful for college situations (programs or office of disabilities). Thank you for your support and the community here. We hold you all in our hearts as we support our loved ones and each other.