Hi everyone
My son is 6 and got diagnosed with ADHD last September. 1 st grade has been hard, he is learning well, he is not defiant and overall a happy kid. His impulsive behavior in class has really affected his social life and the label of "bad kid" is sticking to him quickly. He has poor body control so ends up falling off his chair, hitting his friends by accident, bothering his friends sitting by him by being disruptive. His school and teachers have been great and give him a lot of grace. They have made many adjustments to help him and for that I am grateful.
After a few months on the waiting list, he was finally seeing by a psychiatrist. I really liked him. He also started CBT. We have seen improvements with his handwriting, but he still struggles with following directions, sitting still, poor social skills and overall body control.
The psychiatrist prescribed guanfacine (1 mg in the morning) as his first line of treatment. I know non stimulants are usually not the first line of treatment (per guidelines). We had a lengthy discussion about the rationale for his choice of first therapy, which I agreed , even though as a pharmacist I am aware of the guidelines. Anyone here has experience with guanfacine or starting ADHD treatment with non-stimulants as first line treatment? I would love to hear about your experience.
I know he needs pharmacological help, I know the value of proper therapy, but as a mom I feel sad and afraid of the journey ahead for him.