My son was diagnosed as ADHD at about 6 years old. Up until this point he had been in and out of a couple play schools as he was always branded as being naughty. Since his diagnosis we have managed to find him a wonderful school who embrace all children and while still give a great education are stringent as most traditional schools. We also got my son onto the generic form of Concerta. The medication definately helps him to concentrate at school though we do find we need to up the dosage every couple of years. He is currently on 27mg. More about that later
Lately though he had become such a handful that it is making life for the whole family at home very difficult. He does not want to do anything you ask him to do like making his bed, bathing, brushing his teeth etc. Everything is a fight which normally results in screaming just to get him to do something and him in return saying we dont love him and him getting very aggressive. His poor younger sister is stuck in the middle of all of this, she tries to be the peace maker but most times just lands up getting hurt either emotionally or physically by her brother
Sleep is another story. It is so difficult to get him to sleep. He refuses to sleep in his own bed always being anxious at night worried about every sound he hears and imagines worse case scenarios. He insists on watching a youtube video before bed too. The thing is at the moment getting him to bed before 10PM is proving impossible. Generally I am not to concerned about 10PM as he still gets a good 8 1/2 hours sleep although being back at school now I am not sure if this is enough sleep
We as a family have gotten into a terrible habit of just letting him be so as to keep the peace in the house. We try to introduce rules like allowing own time to play computer games after school until 4PM, then doing homework, dinner and bath until 6PM. 6PM to 8PM is again own time to do what he wants. 8PM is then generally brush teeth and start to settle with the aim of being in bed by 9PM. I guess I need some advice on the how to settle down part. His idea is getting off the PC and then just watching some videos. I know the PC hypes him up so this is why we try to get him off off this at 8PM. We also try to read books etc
His doctor has prescribed him now 36mg concerta. We will give it a try and see what happens. While he did well academically last year (Stage 4) on his final report card all the teachers commented that he day dreams a lot and rushes through his work. Not sure if this is a result of the medication or a too low dosage of the medication
All I know is that something has to change for the sake of my families sanity
Any advice, thoughts welcome