hi , my 7 year old son was diagnosed with adhd and we’re starting him on methylphenidate tomorrow morning for school and I am really nervous about it.
starting child on methylphenidate tom... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
starting child on methylphenidate tomorrow

Many of us have been in your shoes. If it is a small dose you may not notice that big of a difference. But let's hope you see a decrease in impulsive behavior, decrease talking and helps with listening. Depending if the medication is short acting, it might be out if his system in about 4-5 hours.
If it is long acting it might be out of his system in 6-8 hours, depending on his metabolism.
It is a process and for us it paid off.
Whatever happens we are here to support you.
Let us know how it goes.
Good luck!
I hear you! We started with our 6 yo last year. At first, didn't notice a ton but, with some adjustments, it helped quite a bit. Biggest negative side effect for us was loss of appetite, so we compensated with more frequent snacks and bigger dinners (once it had worn off). I was TERRIFIED on day 1, too, so you have my sympathies and support!
Hi there, Can you share the dosage of the medicines that worked for your child? My son is 7 year old and takes 20 mg of Vyvanse and 1 mg of Guanfacine twice daily. We are looking for a booster or alternative that might reduce irritability.
Hi there, Can you share the dosage of the medicines that worked for your child? My son is 7 year old and takes 20 mg of Vyvanse and 1 mg of Guanfacine twice daily. We are looking for a booster or alternative that might reduce irritability.
my son (now 15) started on Methylphenidate when he was 6 and it was like night and day. Over the years it’s been a struggle to get him to eat bc he has no appetite so we give him breaks to n weekends. We worried it would affect his growth but he’s 5’9 and not done growing yet. Good luck.
Hi! I’m just here to show solidarity and ask how it went for him? I felt the same way and still do. My son is 6 and also started taking a stimulant recently. His pediatrician started him on 5mg of Adderall XR. He showed a very slight improvement in focus but it was not significant enough for getting through the school day. We’re now on month 2 now and his doctor increased his dose to the 10mg XR yesterday and he’s tolerated it quite well so far and I’m eager to hear what his teacher thinks by the end of the week. I’m sending you and your son positive vibes for finding the right fit sooner than later, but it’s a process to find it.. I’m just trying to find relief in knowing we’re on the right track for him.
Just wanted to check in and see how things are going?. Hope it is going well.
Hi there, I’ve just started my son who is nearly 7 on this medication a week ago, how is your child getting on with it?