Good afternoon, my son was diagnosed with ADHD and hyperactivity was prescribed Methylphenidate How will this medicine be?
Methylphenidate: Good afternoon, my son... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

Our son takes this medication and it has been life changing. He is able to not have impulsive behavior and reduced bad choices. He also take Intitv which helps with his focus. With these medications he is able to play sports and go to school.
The correct dose of the medication is very important.
I really recommed working with a child psycharist, they specialize in know what is best dose wise and when to take it. Our son takes one in the AM and one in the PM, we also do a booster dose to get through homework and sports.
Hope this helps.
It has been great for my daughter. We first tried the fast acting Ritalin so she took it twice a day. Now we use Concerta which is longer acting with longer release. You should see it work within about 30 minutes, although for my daughter it only takes about 15 minutes. For my daughter it has very much improved her focus and attention. It does have a suppressive affect on appetite, so you have to make sure they are eating enough. Do not be surprised if he doesn't eat very much lunch. If it doesn't work you should also notice right away. Adderrall is a second family of stimulants that you can try. It often takes several tries at dosages, etc to find the right mix. Don't give up, it was truly a lifesaver for my daughter!

solThanks for your msj, ..

Thank you
It has been great for my second grade son. (Long acting formulation) He is able to listen and is less impulsive. The downside is that his symptoms come back with a vengeance in the evening when it wears off. We use fast acting on afternoon/evenings when he has something outside the house going on.
I had the same positive effect for my son. Life changing. But the same crash after it wore off. My Dr explained that is very common with fast acting and we went instead with an extended release and the crash completely went away. The XR tapers down more gradually she explained. So all the upside with none of the downside.
It’s been a lifesaver. It was and still (8 yrs old to 12)is a night and day effect. The problem comes at the end of the day when coming off it - very irritable.
For us. The irritability with concerta is a deal breaker. My 14-year old already has poor mood regulation. So anything that makes her more irritable is not helpful. I asked doc to use methylphenidate, not long acting concerta, and reduce the dose. I’ll pick up the prescription today and try It tomorrow. The medication helped with focus, but made her overstimulated, anxious and angry. She also lost her appetite and could not settle down for bed even though she took concerta early in the morning. She was on 18 mg and it was still too much for her.
My 11 year old daughter has been taking it for about 10 months and it has helped immensely. No side effects for her. She’s in attentive not hyperactive ADHD.
Every child is different. However, this medication seemed to make my child irritated and more defiant. We quit thus medication for that reason.
Like said above, each child is different. My 6th grader went through 3 meds before we got to Adderall which for him is awesome. I take Wellbutrin for ADHD. We have a good friend who didn’t do well on stimulants (ODD issues) but is doing well on Guanafin (sp?). My son and I both feel the med allows us to express our true selves, gives us a chance to choose what ideas and emotions to act on, and helps us focus. Mine is 24 hr release so I don’t have the afternoon issues, but my son does. We have significant homework issues so I have him do an academic support class rather than a fun elective and a homework club right after school so he does most of his homework on the medication. And I make sure he has fun time after that. Hope that helps some.
It is hard to say how this medicain will effect your son. Because everyone is different. My son was on cotempla witch is in the methylphenidate family and it deffifently did not work for him he is now on a medicain called eveko witch is in the adderal family and it is working amazing I would say with any medicain moniter when you put them on it if anything seems out of the ordinary then call the doctor and do not give it to them till you talk to the doctor hope this helps