My 8 year old is doing very well with Guanfacine (2 mg) but he still has motor and vocal tics, especially in the evenings and right when he wakes up in the mornings. I am thinking of suggesting a low dose of Strattera or Qelbree in the mornings and am curious as to your thoughts! This is a great community and I thank all of you for your help!! I’m a very tired mother who is doing everything alone!! I appreciate you ALL
Strattera/Qelbree and Guanfacine - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Strattera/Qelbree and Guanfacine

My son takes Guanfacine and Strattera, it’s a good combo for us. Just an FYI, once you start either Qelbree or Strattera, it’ll take 4-6 weeks to see benefit. It has to build in the system, like an antidepressant.

Thank you for responding to me, Krispies99! I am glad things are working out for you and your child! I couldn’t get the Qelbree anywhere. My CVS doesn’t even know about it. So I will look into the Strattera. Another one that people are telling me about is Focalin. God bless you and your family too!

Taking a non-stimulant, the child is really always medicated, because the way it builds up in your body, correct? My son had gone through all the stimulants but they aggravate underlying tics so we may have to stop but it’s important to me that he’s not medicated 100% of the time.

I’m a 26-year-old female, and I’ve been on 25 mg of Strattera for 5 months, so I feel that it’s safe to say this drug is SLOW. The results take a couple of weeks, and they are not too noticeable day-to-day. The definite way I know it’s working is when I look back on the last couple of months and see what I’ve gotten done since then. I’m doing a lot better at my job with a lot fewer errors, and my manager even told me to 'keep doing what I’m doing, you’ve made barely any mistakes in the past couple of weeks.' I’ve been painting and making art a lot more consistently. Chores still suck, and I procrastinate, but I can actually follow through on tasks. Please give it a chance past the days of weird night sweats, sluggishness, and stomach discomfort. It can be worth it. It’s not dramatic, but it’s enough to make a difference
We do Strattera and Guanfacine also. Works well for us.
Straterra is the only ADHD medication my son was able to take without amplifying his nervous tics. Effect on ADHD symptoms were not great and my son stopped taking his pills after about 6 months because he did not want to deal with stomach ache. Considering trying out Qelbree now.
hi new here! I’m actually about to try the exact same combo as you did with your son, for mine. How was your experience, I know it’s been years?