Teaching a 9 year old with adhd how to ride a bike
Hi all, my son is so desperate to ride but his concentration and balance are making it really hard- any tips???
Thanks all,
Teaching a 9 year old with adhd how to ride a bike
Hi all, my son is so desperate to ride but his concentration and balance are making it really hard- any tips???
Thanks all,
We started with a balance bike (no pedals, low seat) and once he was good at balancing and coasting, got a regular bike. There are sites online that also talk you through removing pedals and lowering seat on current bike and then adding them back. rei.com/learn/expert-advice.... We were lucky to have been given a balance bike, however.
My daughter struggled with learning to ride a bike. One day when she and I were working on riding a neighborhood kid her age came out and rode around the street around her. His mom also came outside to meet me. When I looked up again she was following him around in a circle. I was amazed. Maybe she finally could coordinate all the steps at a developmental level and maybe another child can be the catalyst. Hope it happens soon.