My son has inattentive ADHD and we came to this diagnosis in 8th grade , now is in 10th in a private college pre high school.
Since the diagnoses I have spend countless hours, days learning , researching and supporting my son. He takes medication a stimulant, a booster and Intuive as a adjunct therapy for better focus. We have done CBT therapy , uses a ADH coach and tutors - everything to help with success in school. He has been in sports for years and still is
There has never been any behavior or hyperactive issues or tendencies, probably why this ws not diagnosed earlier and it was me that told his school in 6th grade that my son was working too hard for the grades he was getting . I just knw in my heart that something ws getting in his way. The school just thought I was a tiger mom or something as they were good grades all A's and B' then middles school and in 7th went to C and B overnight. In 8th grade I went to work and yes made some mistakes thinking I could and should "Fix" this. Note true but I have learned to play to his strengths and he has many
He is a very good and "charming kid' always happy - glass is half full kid.
I find that this year he his playing games too much and when I try to curtail it or set limits , one hour a day after homework or studying, he blows though his homework and or projects ( and I will say he get all A on assignments and projects AND turns thing in on time etc but then on quizzes or tests - D s . He gets extra time on test but doesn't use it , hes finished before most. He had study skills and I worked with him strategy's as well.
I tell him one hour or no games tonight and he say "no thank you" and goes to play. He will spend 10 minutes studying and say he studied for 1 hour, then play two hours of a game and say it was only 1 hour. My husband hasn't wanted to deal with it so it always fall on me. I have been his study buddy , helped him or showed him how to write his own test ( doc said best way to study for him)
I am at the point where I want to take the gaming computer or system's completely out of the house until he figure out how he has to study ( he doesn't take my advise any more) . All of the three doctors we have worked with said that with eve thing he has accomplished there is no reason why he continuers to get d's on tests.
Man I made this long but any advice on how I can take away games , cold turkey , without starting another war? Has anyone done it. ? I have tried to regulate them but I can not police it I work and his father, who now gets it , doesn't want to be the bad guy ( thats my department) and cant say no .