Hello all,
I wanted to give an update to my ongoing post about my now 8 year old son who resides in residential treatment.
1 year ago, I was dealing with him being hospitalized due to behavior, threats and suicidal verbiage. Sheriffs called at school with a 7 year old is unimaginable.
Through environmental changes, meds, therapy, Nuerofeedback.... the list goes on, I was unsuccessful at providing what my son needed.
The last thing I ever thought I’d have to do, was put the trust in others to give my son what he needed, how could I as a mother not help him.
He’s resided in residential for a year now, and it’s the best opportunity I could have ever had, 7 years old is young but it has also groomed him for our future. Early intervention has saved us from an instilled cycle.
I can’t begin to express my gratitude for what amazing results we have had and my baby is almost ready to come home!
They have managed to teach him how to interact with other children, staff, teachers. Impulse control, appropriate behavior control, amongst even the little things he now appreciates and is successful!!!
We never expect perfect, just safe and continued progress.
He’s excited about life in a while new realm I’ve been now blessed to experience.
It’s not fit everyone, and the hardest thing a parent will ever have to go through. But I want to give you all hope and other options, we can’t always run to just meds as a fixture (he is on meds, but environmental is what is 90% of his progress) structure, ongoing therapy and a way of teaching them how to deal)
Again, I’m blessed to have given him this opportunity for our future!
I hope to all the parents who struggle, you find a balance that works for you and your family.