Any ideas on how to explain to your child (ours is 7 years old) that they have ADHD in a way they can understand and feel comfortable about it?
Explaining to your child they have ADHD - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Explaining to your child they have ADHD

Thanks! That was great. He will love it.
We also initially used the race car analog at @ age 6. Our son was really into Lightning McQueen, so that made it easier. We mostly talked just about symptoms & helping them. Only more recently (now he’s almost 8) have started using the term ADHD. He’s heard it at school with other kids, so it clicked with him.
Thank you!
I was honest with my 8 year old daughter and explained to her exactly what ADHD is and how it effects people. She was comfortable about it more specifically because I have ADHD as well and was able to show her that I take the same medication to be able to concentrate at work.
My son loved trains. At occupational therapy they talked to him about the engine in his body and how it would run fast. When he would get too amped up we would talk to him about his engine and it worked pretty well.
When my son was 6, I bought him the book Shelley the Hyperactive Turtle. Probably really dated at this point as that was over 20 years ago. But it opened the conversation about ADHD and how his brain worked differently. He was fine with it and had a good understanding from early on.
The Cory Stories is a great book too!!
I saw those too. Thx!
Check out your library. There are some amazing books geared right to that I year old reading level. There is one I liked in particular, I'll see it if j can find the title. It went over everything from school to home to friendships. It explained things and also had very helpful tips and tricks.
Thanks! I think it is helpful for others also so that they can understand that he doesn't want to do some things that he does it is just that he cannot help it. We have an appt tomorrow to see if we can get him on some meds as was suggested by the psychologist in his eval. Here's to better days ahead
We do not use the phrase cant help it in our house. Kids with ADHD tend to not be great with accountability of their own actions. My son will apologize for the thing he did by saying sorry sometimes I struggle with.....I'm working on it.