Any succes with medication that doesn’t suppress appetite or delays growth? My son is currently on a “ medication break”. School will start soon, and doctor wants to trial Focalin, but I’m worried
Medication recommendation : Any succes... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Medication recommendation

My son adjusted well to Focalin. Appetite dropped of initially but came back. Every kid is different so you never know what you’ll get.
All of the medications may suppress appetite initially, but taking the medications daily through the weekends will help appetite return slowly until it is back to normal. Most of the recent studies have disproven the previous thought that stimulant medications could delay growth.
My son took Focalin but it suppressed his appetite so we switched to a non stimulant Intutiv and he grew a full inch and gained all his weight back. Sadly it didn't help with his impulsive behavior but it did keep him calm. Weird huh? So he now takes a low dose of Focalin 5mg in the morning and 4mg of intutiv at night. Still eating good do that's a plus. Every kid is different and these medication changes can be rough so hang in there and good luck!!!!
My son has been on Focalin for a month and half. No change In appetite. Actually i was very worried about lack of sleep, he now sleeps through the night. Not sure it was the medication but he started sleeping better around the same time he started the medication. So far so good.
My grandson was on Focalin XR From kindergarten until 6th grade when it suddenly stopped working. He never ate well at lunch but ate a huge breakfast and dinner. He is now 14 and 5'11".
We have been on foclin for over a year and it's working great. Our doctor is giving multi low dose. He doesnt eat much lunch but big breakfast and pretty good st dinner
My son has been on 5 different meds. They have all surpressed his appetite. The medication is very effective and worth trying.
I would also encourage you to look into broad spectrum micronutrients and discuss them with your child’s psychiatrist. There are two companies...Hardy Nutritionals and True Hope. My son’s psychiatrist did not recommend one over the other. My son has had a great response to them and is now off stimulants and non-stimulants. Just another tool for you to consider. Wishing you the best!
I wonder if you guys are seeing the correct Specialist? Our son sees a child psychiatrist who monitors his height and weight. She also assist me when we we have trouble. When we first started she gave me a chart of all the medications and we talked about which path of medication we wanted to use. I would recommend you having your son see this type of Specialist to help you.
There are many things to think about: type of medication, dose and timing.
We also insist on him eating protein at all meals.
Best of luck
Go to it will tell you what your child's body will work with all the meds. It's been a lifesaver for me and my son.
my son is 6 and takes a low dose of focalin. No appetite issues that we’ve seen