We are about to start this with my son. Anyone tried them? We went with Hardy Nutritionals because I read they had a study with kids. The other company is True Hope.
Broad spectrum micronutrients - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Broad spectrum micronutrients

Have never heard of it. Please let us know how it works. I’ll be eager to hear of yours or others’ experiences.
Give the micronutrients a period of time (say 3 months) and see what happens. Don't tell others who monitor his performance so you can get unbiased feedback.
Thank you for giving me a time frame. We are between a rock and a hard place right now. The school is advocating to classify him ED and move him out of the school.
Hi there. The research you refer to is run by Dr Julia Rucklidge from University of Canterbury in New Zealand (my old University!). I contacted her research team and they sent me a lot of supporting information. I tried the Hardy Nutritionals with my daughter but she is pretty fussy and wouldn't take it - even in a chocolate smoothie. Sigh. However, I have found great success with high dose high quality Omega 3 fish oils and magnesium. I'm also about to start the Nemechek Protocol by adding the dietary fibre inulin and omega 9 fatty acids (extra virgin olive oil) and cutting out omega 6 fatty acids. I'll keep you posted.
Good luck with the micronutrients. Please let me know how your son responds.
With my daughter we have seen change from having her do the ion cleanse. 12-15 minutes and she is calm, more relaxed and ready to engage. She knows (started at 3) that she feels better and likes doing them. We can have parasites and as I have seen, feed them with the micronutrients which further prevents our healing as they now have more vitamins than us. solution; kill parasites, detox the gut (and brain) then feed micro nutrients.
What is a Ion cleanse? What does it entail?
Has anyone her of the Mensha Medical , I think it is similiar to what you are taking about here. Someone in this post mention them before. They test for imbalances then design a plan about supplements