I need help knowing how to handle things at home. My son has ADHD. He is 6 years old. We are currently controlling with diet, gross motor and he had neurofeedback training that was 30% effective. My husband is really not good with handling him. How do I go about getting us all on the same page? I am so stressed in my own home that my home life is becoming miserable. I am overwhelmed with where to turn next to make this better. I have done a ton of research on ADHD and I understand it better than he does. I try to coach him on it but he insists that "I am not supporting him" when his methods are emotionally damaging to my ADHD son. Help!!!!
Need Advice for Home Life with ADHD 6... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Need Advice for Home Life with ADHD 6 y/o

I feel your pain. My husband isn't any help and doesn't understand why she does what she does. He thinks I am to blame for what ever is wrong with her. He doesn't want to medicate her. I didn't at first but now I think it is wrong not to medicate her. The problem which one? She has a lot going on with her. ADHD both kinds, OCD, ODD, Anxiety-NOS and Sensory issues. The drugs don't go together for the different things so we have to figure out what to do. (The worst one, which is hard because the all conect to one another.)
I completely understand what you are going through my home life is a constant struggle.my daughter is turning 6 in december and just diagnosed with ADHD and severe anxiety. She seems to have fits and rages and we me being a single mom. Myself and my older daughter feel like we are
walking on egg shells. Her dad is in the picture but doesn't live with us and I have kids 99% of time, and when he watches her he constantly feeds into her behaviour the opposite of your husband because once he is done with visit with her. I get the rath and I am the hated parent because i try to gjve her structure and routine and dietary adjustments.to help her while he fills her upmwith candy. I think its good to communicate with other parents but try your best to make an individual connection with your husband and talk about your concerns. I find with my daughter when she would
see us fight it would only trigger her to behave like that to others as well as in their minds any attention is attention. Try to get you and your husband to make a list of things that helps your son and help you guys manage that is univesal and can accomodate your needs and your husbands because you both are different ppl and may handle your son in different ways. Your husband may not b coping well with this. Also helps to vent if you need it. I know its not easya nd its not fun having your home feel in turmoil. I am trying to teach myself mindfullness and breathing exercises. And get my girls to do it as a family. The more positive interactions the better and keep remind yourself even on the hardest day....i try to hold on to the moments of my adhd daughter saying she loves me or giving me hugs (as she hates any form of affection). And it just enforces im doing a good job and so are you. You are doing your best and trust that... Your husband may feel like my older daughter does sometimes and that he is not getting attention from you because your son requires almost every ounce of your energy and attention. I know my daughter does. Try to work as a team its a lot harder on your own or as a single parent...ur husband may not be able to handle it the way you do but try to acknowlege that it takes a lot of strength and build on being a team even if he not dealing with it in the way you think is the best, as your son is watching it and will use it to his advantage. I know my daughter does. And please take my advice with a grain of salt, im only recommending things that have helped me or made me feel better but in the end it is your life and your home ans you need to make it the most comfortable for you and your family even in the most struggling of situations or during thr most hardest moments in the daynwith your son. I know for me the evenings are the worst as her medication has faded, shes tired from.school and she just cant cope as well. i know it is beyond challenging and exhausting. But keep communication lines open, keep co nection with drs and especially ur husband. Best of luck!
My advice first is to make sure that your child is properly diagnosed. his diagnosis will tell how to treat his symptoms. Secondly if ADHD is his only diagnosis Then proper sleep, lots of exercise, supplements, a proper ADHD diet and proper mediation. Have you tried Behavior Therapy training for the parents and for the child? My son is five he is high functioning autistic and ADHD. he will start kindergarten in the fall and he’s been having ABA Therapy , occupational, speech and physical therapy for almost 3 years. all have really helped nonetheless his focus is still really a big issue and I’m considering reluctantly medication. He is only five. I wanted to find out information about the EEG biofeedback Nuro feedback you said you had 30% success. how many sessions did you end up doing for your child? how old is your child? and have you considered revisiting the sessions or was that even a suggestion? What was the reason given as to why only a 30% success? If you like information on supliments put ADHD supplements on the Pintrist application. It’s very helpful. Also my son because he is high functioning autistic he get ABA therapy but they do have Behavior therpy for non autistic tics it’s just called behavior therapy.