What is your best advice for putting together a section 504 plan for ADHD with Explosive Disorder? Looking for accommodations and/or modifications for classroom (going into 3rd grade). Thanks!
Section 504 Plan: What is your best... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Section 504 Plan

Thanks for brainstorming with the group. Just curious are there things that are going good at the school that you want to be written in that are working?
Are you familiar with some of the common accomplishments/ modifications? Like extended time for tests and assismgnments? Please make sure this is also on statewide testing even if included. Turning in late assignment with extra time and testing in an alternate setting.
Also how have they handled his behavior? Do you know if they have provided a quiet space with supervision?
Let us know what you know about so we can help guide you.
Onthemove1971: this is all new to me. My 8-1/2 y.o son was diagnosed in late May w ADHD with Explosive Disorder and the school approved writing a Sec. 504 plan at the end of the school year. I am in the process of gathering info so I can make sure I gets added to the plan. I have some info just from googling it but also hope to receive some insight from this group. Thx
Has the school evaluated your child for special education under IDEA? If your child qualified, he could have an IEP which would offer not only accommodations but services as well.
Would your child benefit from an IEP with behavioral and social emotional goals? Asking due to the add on of explosive disorder.
DoodlwyDukes- Welcome to a group.with families that all have children that are dealing with similar (or have dealt with) issues. Since this is new to you one thing to keep in mind is that in school if your child has behavior that intrups his educational process, an educational plan ( IEP or 504 ) can help him learn. The main educational provider that can help you is the school psychologist who can give you advise about service your child may need to help him be successful in school. One of the main reasons to have an IEP (individual educational plan) is so goals can be written to help him, the service can help him meet these goals. A 504 plan doesn't have any of these goals, but they can help him get things like: extra time turning and projects, or taking test or extra breaks on the classroom
Hope this helps, I wonder why they recommended a 504 plan, was the school psychologist there?
Hope we can help you...
Section 504 was recommended since his grades are high (90-100%) on all tests, so school recommended Sec 504 plan. Going into 3rd grade he will be in a structured classroom, which should have an aide when he needs extraa assistance. Since the meeting w the child study team took place during the last week of 2nd grade, I'm in my "fact gathering mode" so I can reach out to the 504 plan director to start writing up the plan.
Thanks for your input.
He is in Gen. Ed and will remain there. He is very smart (scores high on all tests 90-100% range). He needs assistance when he gets stuck. Ex. He can add/subtract #'s in his head but cant always write steps down or gets sticking putting his words on paper to answer reading comp questions but can easily write creatively.
I am going through this exact thing. My son has adhd with anxiety and trouble controlling his anger.
He is in 2nd grade and is in the top 1% of students in his grade, which is why they push for 504 and not IEP.
What did you end up putting in your son’s 504?