Just want to say that I love this site because if you talk about ADHD anywhere else you get bombarded by people trying to sell you their “miracle cure”. Or you get people who have absolutely no knowledge of ADHD being judgemental, down right mean, accusing you of hurting your child with meds when the right meds taken responsibly might be the most important peice of the puzzle to help further their development. We need more sites like this where people are not trying to pick fights, just trying to share information and experiences in hope of figuring out what is best for their child.
I love this site: Just want to say that... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
I love this site

I just wish they’d design public schools to work with ADHD kids instead of making parents sedate them. What a waste of intelligence. Let them learn the way their minds do best. These kids are brilliant and shouldn’t have to be medicated because their brains work differently. I feel sorry for all the kids without ADHD. They are missing out on everything. Our country should be acknowledging the brilliance we have and studying it instead of suppressing these kids.
Agreed. There are some adhd Facebook pages with 40k members that have great info. I don't post there though just too public...but great to troll. This site is great, just not a lot of members yet. I agree with you on the not sedating kids but meds plug the holes in the brain so the Child can function. Meds are not for the school or me but for my kid.
I agree it's good to come on here and share with others. My grandkids are not sedated but actually doing well in school because of their medication. They can feel good about themselves because they are successful. Everything is not wonderful all the time but we are working to get things together.