Hi I'm a single mom and I have a 7yo I'm only 24 and this is my only child I live in Raleigh NC.my son is being held back in kindergarten twice and I just received a letter saying they're keeping him back again he take IEP classes and speech and behavioral therapy I'm running outta options idk what to do...any suggestions
Please help: Hi I'm a single mom and I... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Please help

Hi Jasmine ,
My is drea I'm the compete opposite my son is 4 he will be 5 in August i wanted the teacher to hold him back because i don't think he is ready for kindergarten and with is ADHD it will not go good at all so they refuse my request i have a big meeting come up you have to be his voice these are our kids we know them better than anyone so u have to talk to a million of teachers case workers u keep doing it till someone hears your voice
PS, you are not alone
Please seek help of a therapist/ advocate who recognizes the issues on his confidence and social emotional development of holding him back another year. You are his best advocate. Tell them you want him to progress to first grade with the support he needs for this.
Please push to have your son held back. Our son's birthday is late July and we debated holding him back. The principal of the school supported it -- said by holding him back we were giving him "the gift of time". I am SO GLAD we did it. He is now a 10 year old 4th grader and still having some struggles (academically and maturity wise.) Remind them that ADHD kids are about 3-5 years behind in maturity level when compared with their peers.
I don't know about where you live where I live they have to discuss it with you before they can just hold the kid back and get the ok from you have you tried talking to them and telling them you don't want him held back again
Thank you, for your feedback
I live in Binghamton . And what they have here is a school law called no child held back. They say to many kids are graduating late that don't finish school till they are 20 . But I'm in giving up i have a meeting with the school District about my concerns for my son
I’m not sure how feasible the drive would be but you try taking him to Duke. See if they are doing any studies you can participate in. Maybe they can refer you to some help in your area.
So will this be his THIRD year in K5. I’m not sure they can even do that for 3 years. Sounds to me there may be some other areas that need to be addressed. I agree that I would try to find a specialist, either at Duke or somewhere in the area that can help you. Your Childs doctor should be able to point you in the right direction. (I held back my ADHD son bc of social issues but 3 years is excessive and won’t do him any good).
Hello jasmine my name is Nichole and my son is 13 and finally getting the help he needs. I wish they held him back once in kindergarten, but three times is way too much for your child I think. My son had been having special help since 1st grade and me doing the IEP meetings. Things got worse in 6th grade and he’s now in 7th and in special ed. I finally got sick of trusting the school that they had his best interest in mind. I took him to a group in New Jersey (where I live) to have neurological testing. Now that he’s been tested and they know his exact needs they are involved w the school and it’s not just me crying, believing, and fighting alone for him. They also told me there are people called educational advocates it’s basically like a lawyer but for your child to have his needs met by the school and to have your back. I hope everything turns out ok. Just keep fighting don’t give up and don’t be like I was and believe everything they tell you.