Hello I just joined. I have an almost 13 year old son who was diagnosed with adhd about 5 or 6 years ago. Within the last few years we started adderall. It has helped along with therapy. However he still has outbursts, acts like a little child sometimes etc. He thinks he is bring funny or claims he was only joking when he does something wrong. He is loud and talks a lot and sometimes cannot stop. I go with him every other week to councilor. I have a hard time with him. He doesn't listen well to directions, gets agitated easily and claims he has no friends and that they call him annoying. I feel terrible. I have been working on not tell g at him when I get frustrated. He will be just talking in the car and doesn't stop. He asks silly questions just to talk. He makes noises hums constantly moving etc. With meds he can get through school fine. His father and I divorced amicably when he was 1. We all get along well. We have joint custody and I think we keep everything as consistent as possible. I want to help him. He's going to be 13 in a month and I feel like he acts as if he is 8 sometimes. Then there are times when he surprises me. He is very smart and persuasive persuasive also. I love my son so much and I just want to help him. He just came in the living room to say goodnight and wanted me to walk him to the bathroom and wait outside to walk him to his bedroom because he was scared. Sometimes I do things like walk him to his room because its better than standing there arguing about it. He gets obsessed. Any suggestions?