Can someone expalain what is impulsive behaviour ? Is it related to too much speaking or running or what please any body give some examples😔🙄😔
what is called impulsive beahviour in... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
what is called impulsive beahviour in adhd

I found this definition that I think does a good job of explaining it: "behavior without adequate thought; the tendency to act with less forethought than do most individuals of equal ability and knowledge, or a predisposition toward rapid, unplanned reactions to internal or external stimuli without regard to the negative consequences of these reactions." So, basically, acting without first thinking about what affect/results may come from the action.

Thankyouu very so it covers thinking ability and also to the uncontrollable physical actions
Hi. Yes it can relate to both saying things without thought first, or actions. Or both! Actions could be things that are harmful to themselves or to others sometimes without necessarily the intention to hurt ie they don’t think about consequence first.

How does one go about fixing this behavior?
With my grandsons it could be bothering other people during class, yelling out answers, inappropriate comments during class, unable to sit still and concentrate on the task at hand.
My one grandson thought it was funny to be the class clown and make comments and make others laugh before he got stable.
thanxxx anirushh u r greatt u answer everybdy very nicelyy bless u always give ur intro please
u r grandma ??
Also you one grandson u saying no more class clown become ok
how it happened with therapies or medicine??
Behaviors like blurting out, or hitting someone out the blue, and continuously touching things.
When my son is not on meds his impulse behavior is eating ! When he eats he continuously throws food in his mouth just to do it and then he gets sick. He also yells while talking event in conversations or he might go hit is sister on purpose just to do it.
Basically just doing anything without thinking