Hello! I am reaching out wondering if any parents can share their insights and experiences of toddlers with ADHD. ADHD runs in my family. I have the inattentive type (though was hyperactive in elementary school), and my mom has both the inattentive and hyperactive component. We have both had official diagnoses, but my three year old son has not. I am at the point now that I want to get him evaluated. I’ve read that there cannot be an official diagnosis until age 4, but has anyone else had their kids diagnosed before that?
This is tough to talk about, but my son is on the verge of getting kicked out of his third daycare. He has had issues with being hyperactive, not listening, and the biggest reason he keeps getting asked to leave: aggression. He can be the absolute sweetest kid in the world. He is very social and likes making friends, and I have observed these friends excited to see him when he gets to school and just seem to enjoy playing with him. But then my son can do some not so friendly things. Some of his infamous incident reports include running across the room to take another child’s toy out of their hand, pushing a kid over while racing to the playground, stepping on a girl’s stomach while she was sleeping during nap time, slapping a teacher when she tried talking to him about being nice, and so many other things.
The strange thing is that many of his “incidents” seem unprovoked. Like he’ll go push another child for no reason, run around knocking over other kids LEGO’s, or start shouting during nap time. They say he has so much energy (which we already knew), and cannot sit still. He also likes to be the center of attention and I think some of these things may happen when he feels he’s not getting attention at that moment. He can also go a few days without a report, and then in one day he can have three. So right now I just don’t know what to do anymore. I never had these behavioral issues, although I know my elementary school teachers would make comments to my mother about my energy level.
I can’t say 100% it is ADHD yet, but a lot of his behaviors mirror my research on toddlers with ADHD. Have any other parents had similar experiences with daycare/preschool? If so, how did you handle it and what helped your child to succeed? I’m not looking to medicate him, but looking for anything else to help him.