Hi! I’m the mom of a 8 yr old boy with ADHD and anxiety. I’ve been looking for a support group in the Charlotte NC area of parents that are living the life we are and understand what we are experiencing! I’m looking forward to getting that support and advice from other parents!
I’m New To This Support Group - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
I’m New To This Support Group

Hi! I am parent of a 10 yr old boy with ADHD. I also live in the Charlotte area. I do not know of any support groups in the area ( though I am sure there are some). I have been looking though. Maybe we should form one........
I would love to meet up with you! Not only do I want to have a support system for like experienced parents but I would like to have my son meet others that are living with ADHD!
Hi, We are currently in the process of going through the evaluations. The family doctor said he does have ADHD but it was recommended he have a sleep study done as well before we begin anything. Did your son have to do a sleep study also?
It was mentioned to us when we were going through all our evaluations and getting an official diagnosis. The doctor did prescribe Clondine to help him sleep and said if it didn’t work the next step would be the sleep study. The Clondine calms him down enough to where he falls asleep and gets maybe 6 hours of deep sleep. Which is a huge difference because my son NEVER slept through the night. He quietly plays in his room when he wakes up in the early morning and eventually falls back asleep for a little while. We have tried melatonin and it had an opposite reaction...he was up until 4am when we tried it.