I need 25 ADHD People (or parents) to... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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I need 25 ADHD People (or parents) to take my Dissertation Survey to Help ADHD Kids....

Missyh123 profile image
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ATTENTION ALL ADHD PEOPLE- OR IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WITH ADHD- Can you please help to take my survey for my Dissertation? I just need about 25 people to take a multiple choice 10 min survey. Your data is anonymous and IS NOT connected with your consent form. If you agree to take the survey please FILL OUT THE CONSENT FORM FIRST - THEN EMAIL THAT FORM TO: CASUALDAY4U@AUSTIN.RR.COM, then click on the following link.

I'm trying to help alot of kids that struggle with the condition



Research Study Title: How do College Program Structures and Fragmentation affect ADHD?

Principal Investigator: Melissa Hood

Research Institution: Concordia University Portland

Faculty Advisor: Christopher Maddox

Purpose and what you will be doing:

The purpose of this hermeneutical, phenomenological study is to explore how college program structures and fragmentation affect college students with ADHD.

We expect approximately 20 volunteers. No one will be paid to be in the study. We will begin enrollment on September 1, 2017 and end enrollment on September 15, 2017. To be in the study, you will need to sign the consent for participation form and email that back to the interviewer within two weeks. If you agree to participate you will receive an email from the Office of Disability Services which includes a list of 20 questions (4 questions requiring your own words & 16 questions requiring yes or no answers). You will then email those questionnaires back to the Office of Disability Services within the allotted time frame (2 weeks). Participation should take less than 20 minutes of your time and would be greatly appreciated for future research!


There are no risks to participating in this study other than providing your information. However, we will protect your information. Any personal information you provide will be coded so it cannot be linked to you. Any name or identifying information you give will be kept securely via electronic encryption or locked inside a filing cabinet in my office of the researcher’s private home. When we or any of our investigators look at the data, none of the data will have your name or identifying information. We will refer to your data with a code that only the principal investigator knows links to you. This way, your identifiable information will not be stored with the data. We will not identify you in any publication or report. Your information will be kept private at all times and then all study documents will be destroyed 3 years after we conclude this study.


Information you provide will help students that struggle with ADHD and disabilities within academics and career goals. You could benefit this by knowing that your efforts are helping to further ADHD student’s success through answering questions tough issues that we each deal with on a day to day basis within learning! Again, thank you!


This information will not be distributed to any other agency and will be kept private and confidential. The only exception to this is if you tell us abuse or neglect that makes us seriously concerned for your immediate health and safety.

Right to Withdraw:

Your participation is greatly appreciated, but we acknowledge that the questions we are asking are personal in nature. You are free at any point to choose not to engage with or stop the study. You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer. This study is not required and there is no penalty for not participating. If at any time you experience a negative emotion from answering the questions, we will stop asking you questions.

Contact Information:

You will receive a copy of this consent form. If you have questions you can talk to or write the principal investigator Melissa Hood at email Casualday4u@austin.rr.com. If you want to talk with a participant advocate other than the investigator, you can write or call the director of our institutional review board, Dr. OraLee Branch (email obranch@cu-portland.edu or call 503-493-6390).

Your Statement of Consent:

I have read the above information. I asked questions if I had them, and my questions were answered. I volunteer my consent for this study.

_______________________________ ___________

Participant Name Date

_______________________________ ___________

Participant Signature Date

__Melissa Hood__________________ ___________

Investigator Name Date

_______________________________ ___________

Investigator Signature Date

Written by
Missyh123 profile image
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