Has anyone been able to opt for surge... - Adenomyosis Advic...

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Has anyone been able to opt for surgery/hysterectomy without going down the mirena / hormone route first under 40??

Ta2018 profile image
1 Reply

Hi everyone, adenomyosis was seen on my recent MRI and i have a history of endo. I previously tried mini pill and implant. My gyn wants me to try mirena but i dont really like the idea, i had a copper coil previously and had constant problems with yeast and urinary infections. Im 35 so they are dismissive of a hysterectomy and urged me to try the mirena... I feel very uncomfortable going down this route of hormonal whatnots and coils, the more i think about it the more i would prefer to a more "permanent" solution. I have completed my family, at the time of my endo diagnosis they were happy to take my right ovary (it had become enlarged and inflamed due do endo) and after surgery i was told it was stuck to my pelvis. i understand it would get rid of the adeno but that endo can return after having had a hysterectomy. i just feel like i want this to be over and done with... i really feel for everyone who went undiagnosed for many years!

was anyone able to opt for surgery and has it helped you?

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newstart2020 profile image

Hi Ta, hope you're doing ok there. Just to say, that's funny your request for a hysterectomy was dismissed because you're in your mid 30s. My request to put hysterectomy on the table was lightly dismissed because I'm 49 and starting peri-menopause and apparently it would be a shame to have to get a surgery at this stage.

Hmmmm..... (Is there a magical window of specific age-range opportunity for women who want to be considered for one I wonder!)

I've only just been diagnosed with adeno, I don't know how long I've had it, but I have had symptoms of it for a couple of years. Stupid mirena coil I have in now is out of position and been ineffective for who knows how long (I don't know if it was inserted incorrectly in 2015 or if it migrated), but the first two coils I had it were brilliant at endo-pain and discomfort reducing, even if they didn't stop endo recurring on one of my ovaries and a symple cyst appearing on the other one. I've been experiencing adeno pain for a few years or so, though I didn't know that's what it was, while the wonky coil was in, so not sure how a correctly-inserted coil might have suppressed it.

I never had a copper coil, I read that they might lead to more infections than a mirena, and I didn't have any infection problems at all with the mirenas (until the grand migration/displacement activities of this current one).

I'm getting this old coil out tomorrow and a new one put in under general anesthetic and a hysteroscopy, just because endo symptoms reduced for a few years when I had a correctly-fitted mirena in before, and I'm feeling bizzarely optimistic that a correctly-positioned one might help with adeno too. I'm going to give it 4 months, then if it's ineffective and I'm still rolling around with a hot water bottle strapped to my stomach and full of painkillers, I'm going to get on a full hysterectomy waiting list and do the NICE guideline-recommended GnRHa three months before the surgery, then some form of HRT afterwards.

I'm not paying any heed to anyone who tries to talk me out of it. Nobody knows our bodies like we do ourselves and if you don't want a mirena in, then you shouldn't be pressured into it. Many women with adeno I've read have problems with them migrating etc. and I don't know if that's what happened with me, or if it was just never put in correctly in the first place...

Sorry I can't be more help, best luck working out what's best for you next.

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