Options after 8 years of AS - Active Surveillan...

Active Surveillance - Prostate Cancer

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Options after 8 years of AS

09rgs19 profile image
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I am 58 years old and was first diagnosed in 2012 with PC after a biopsy with one core out of 16 with a 3+3 GS in 20% of the sample. Second biopsy in in 2016 showed 2 cores out of 6 (targeted previous area) with a GS of 3+3 in 1% of the cores. Had MRI in 2017 to get baseline reading and then had another MRI in 2020 which showed a slight area of concern. Had a MRI Fusion Biopsy based on last MRI reading two weeks ago which showed two cores with a 3+3 GS involving 40% of the core in one and 5% in the other. A third area (the focus area of concern from the MRI) which had 3 core samples from the same area showed a GS of 3+4 in all cores with 80% of each. Talked with my Dr this week who went through the treatment options and he did not think AS would be in my best interest and in the end it seemed we have determined a robitic RP would be the best choice given my age and no other health issues and not taking any medications of any kind. My PSA during this entire time has bounced between 2.5 and 6 with no spikes one way or another. My prostate is not enlarged and all cancer is contained in the prostate. Have asked for the samples to be sent out for genetic testing just so we can understand what the future growth timeline might be and will talk with my Dr once these are back. I am new to this forum and just would like to hear what others might think about my situation. Thanks.

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aceace12 profile image

first thing is did you get second and third opinions on any test.? im not the expert on all of your diagnosis but seems to me i would want some treatment first ..good luck i am very simliar to your case

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