The cancer is contained within the prostate and is said to be non-aggressive (Gleason = 3+3). The prostate was sampled 12 times and showed both lobes with cancer in 3 areas: one lobe had tumors of 0.3 mm (1% involved), 0.6 mm (2% involvement), and the other lobe had a tumor of 3 mm (8%). The tumors were small and were said to be not aggressive. PSA was 5.4 when diagnosed.
Abdominal CT scan and bone scan along with cysto were cancer free. When all was considered, we decided on Active Surveillance as a treatment measure. After 4 months I went back to urologist who assessed my PSA (5.9) and DRE & determined that no aggressive treatment was indicated at that time (July 19, 2018). Next app't is in 6 months.
Thanks for reading