I am nine years out since diagnosis of a very low-risk Gleason 6 tumor. It was found in a single core in 2010. The cancer hasn't been seen again in four other biopsies and two MRIs.
My goal in going on AS was to avoid surgery and radiation which the majority of low-risk men underwent nine years ago. That has changed. Maybe 50% of Gleason 6 patients go on AS now compared with 6% then. A huge jump in a short time. But compare that to Sweden, where 96% of our peers go on AS. We have a long way to go.
My goal now is to avoid or minimize biopsies, which after all are medical procedures with risks, even for sepsis. Likewise, I want to minimize exposure to gadolinium, the MRI contrast agent. Some doctors (and malpractice lawyers) are raising concerns about the heavy metal being deposited in our bones, bones, kidneys, etc.
It's been 2 1/2 years since my last biopsy. I fully expected my urologist to recommend another biopsy and MRI. I girded myself to use an alternative to a biopsy, such as an MRI without a contrast agent or a promising new approach, a high-rez ultrasound originally used in research on rodents.
I was prepared to use the US at Cleveland Clinic. But I was astonished when when my urologist he said he didn't think a biopsy or MRI were needed now. Good for now, but maybe a future option.
My urologist said I barely have cancer.