Merry Christmas everyone and especial... - Mental Health Sup...

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Merry Christmas everyone and especially to all those alone today - thinking of you.

6 Replies

Christmas is a special time for most people as they get together with friends and loved ones. However, there are so many who will be alone at this time for whatever reason, whether it be the elderly, bereaved or those who simply have no-one. For them, Christmas is a miserable and very lonely time exacerbated by all the festivities going on around them.

I look into the house opposite me and a see a big family, gathered around the Christmas tree opening their presents, happy, smiling people - mum, dad, grandparents, little children and extended family.

There is an elderly neighbour 2 doors down who lives on her own, her husband of 50 years recently passed away. She has no other family. She doesn't like to leave the house. I will be popping into to see her shortly with a gift and some Festive cheer (no matter how glum I myself feel).

Spare a thought for all those alone at this time: Christmas shouldn't just be about food and presents. It should also be a time to reflect on others less fortunate to have a Christmas with all the trimmings or those who simply have no-one.

Ziggy x

6 Replies

Here, here Ziggy!

People do forget some people are alone.


Photogeek profile image

Ziggy thanks for that post. I have to say being alone is not always awful. You just have to make the best of it and enjoy the day. No point moaning. I invited my friend for the day

And the dinner and I. Feel tired today as I was chasing around getting food and apartment ready to look nice. Have a great Xmas and being alone is not the worst. I lit loads of candles and made my place look lovely. I will call now to my older neighbour

With gift . So Happy Xmas to you. Enjoy the day



All the very best for Christmas


Gambit62 profile image

Hope that your visit to your elderly neighbour was a good interaction.

I like to spend as much of Christmas day on my own as I can in one sense - my brother is coming up and we are taking my mother out to lunch but other than that I'll have a quiet day - been out for a really long walk/jog - over 5 miles - some along tracks some through mud but think I managed to be out for the best part of the day ... and it has left me pleasantly tired.

One bizarre event on the walk was seeing a father and daughter ski-ing through the middle of a local village - roller skis ... don't think I could ever have come up with that as a possibility for Christmas morning!


This Christmas is spent at home with no decorations but togetherness is valued. It is very relaxing being at peace. I agree with a job it helps with depression. I prefer being to busy rarther than quiet with more time to think. Merry Christmas. :)

Hi Bev, you are so right! I haven't been to the pub, but I've had a few glasses of Cava before I start supper (and then a few more!). My 19 year old is still sleeping off the effects of a hangover - he only got in at 5am! I don't care, as long as he's happy.

Hope you enjoy your meal and the rest of the day.

Ziggy x

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