Hi can anyone advise please? I have an AN on left side and last scan showed possible slight growth after some initial reduction following gamna knife. I attend lots of music concerts and have always worn hearing aid on AN side and music ear plug in good side. Seemed ok although music never sounds great anymore. Recently tinnitus and 'full feeling' on AN side is worsening. I wondered if I should swap hearing aid for ear plug at concerts but not convinced music is the issue and suspect it's just AN misbehaving! It's certainly a challenge having an AN as your buddy 🙃. Take care all.
Hearing Aid versus music ear plug at ... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
Hearing Aid versus music ear plug at music concerts

Hi, I go to lots of music/dance events and now always take out my hearing aid and wear senner ear plugs which take out the top damaging sound, to protect the tiny amount of hearing I have left in my AN side and to stop damage in my good ear. Can still hear people talking and enjoy the music but it really helps not turn up the tinnitus afterwards, which is unbelievably loud anyway!! I too have had treatment on my 25mm guest. It’s been a game changer for me in terms of being able to enjoy it all again!
PS It is a challenge having these squatters and having changing/worsening symptoms after treatment. I find the Brainstrust support group really lovely for discussing these little gifts!!
have fun! I like these… amazon.co.uk/Senner-protect...
Hi flappers
I’m trying the loop engage but not sure.Have you ever tried them and if so do you prefer your ones?😊
Not tried anything else. I just accept I can’t hear much from my right ear and try to protect both ears when in loud music environment whilst still enjoying a dance! Let me know how you get on with the loop thingy. X
Hi I use Earpiece earplugs for music. Wore one in both ears last night and got on ok. But venue was much better as a whole so hard to judge. AN continues to be a pest but could be worse when you hear of other conditions. Thanks for replies folks. Sending hugs🥰🥰🥰