Hello all! Quick question, I’m on watch and wait for a 17mm AN, which other than causing deafness and screaming tinnitus, isn’t impacting too badly…. But I’ve been getting an intermittent pain in the boney skull bit behind the ear on AN side only … I thought it may be from the hearing aid (which of course is loose and I can’t even feel it) but asking other hearing aid wearers in my lip reading class, it seems they don’t get that. Is it an AN thing?!
Intermittent weird dull and occasiona... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
Intermittent weird dull and occasional shooting pain behind ear

Hi Flappers, I’m also on watch and wait for my 22mm AN. Had my third MRI in Oct’21 which shows no change from my previous two MRIs taken 6 months and 12 months ago. My surgeon told me about half of ANs stop growing on their own, so I’m hoping mine will. I now on a scan time of 12 months. If mine does grow at all I’m going for GK to hopefully kill it. From my research and expert advice from top consultants GK is 95% successful, but there is a chance of some minor side effects, so I’m holding off until it’s necessary. Like you, minimal symptoms, tinnitus and some deafness. I do get a mildish headache fairly frequently, which I reckon is the AN, but it comes and goes, and if I blank it out, I forget about it. I have very rarely had a shooting pain in various places in my head. I think the problem with having an AN is we tend to be ultra-sensitive to any little sensation and tend blame everything on them. Hopefully your AN will stop growing on its own.
Morning… sorry to hear you’re getting random symptoms… I used to have pain right in my ear sometimes, like something sharp was being stabbed into it. At night, for some reason, I used to get sharp shooting pains down the side of my neck/face, I wondered if because I was lying down the tumour might have moved slightly & be pressing on a nerve more.. these rumours really do seem to have SO many symptoms that it’s difficult to know what’s related to it and what’s not.. I had shooting pains briefly again, a few months after surgery, but it seems to have calmed down again now.. thinking of you, hope you are otherwise ok.. xx
I actually had the same type of pain intermittently its not too bad now except hearing aid aggravates it at times
I’m get the same - quite often the pains are when I’m lying down. Must be something to do with shifting pressure on the nerves
Thanks for taking time to reply. I certainly notice it more when in bed but it’s there most the time now, just think I notice it more at night! Just another little AN treat I guess!