Newbie and scared: 4 weeks ago I lost... - Acoustic Neuroma ...

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Newbie and scared

NewbieSS85 profile image
27 Replies

4 weeks ago I lost some hearing in one ear. Saw 4 docs. All gave me different outcomes.

Now have flu too. Have mucus behind ear drums... Blocked ears... And hearing test showed losses on 6000hz upwards.

Got mri booked... Scared I have a tumour...

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NewbieSS85 profile image
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27 Replies
22_D profile image

Hun , I know it's hard , but try not to panic , it will only make things worse , it's hard but what for results from mri x

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to 22_D

I know. But it's not easy. In less than 48 hours the mri will be ready.. Then the wait for the results.

I was told I have 2 to 4 days...

NewbieSS85 profile image

BTW has anyone had this strange symptom..

When I brush my hair behind my ear it feels different then the other ear.... I'm not referring to the sound I'm on about the sensation.

It feels numb but it's not as if I prick myself or poke I can feel... Its just the sensation is different. Area: a bit higher up from tragus to scalp.

So far docs either don't know or are baffled.... They say no stress.... But all I'm doing is stressing

Ellafen profile image

The scan will detect it if you have. Easy to say don't worry but you have no choice but to wait. Please let us know how you get on. X

Kristyll profile image

Hi it could be many things as well as .? glue etc. Try. Ot to cross bridges before they are there. Save your energy for an appropriate diagnosis. X

NewbieSS85 profile image

Thanks for support.

It's very frustrating. I'm mostly scared of going deaf or worse...

To top it off I caught a cold so am taking it easy... I don't want to reschedule mri.

How long does it usually last? Its an MRI for IAM

22_D profile image

Hun , it is scarey time , & I think the waiting for the results is the worse bit , but try & stay positive & calm , as worry will make you ill , I was just the same worrying about the mri 's then the wait for the results , but try not to xx

drdeanbellavia profile image

You won't go deaf, at most in one ear if you have an AN. If you are not experiencing balance problems it may not be an AN.

You might want to try a good dose of echinacea for a few days to build your immune system and help dispel your cold.

Your drop in hearing can just be the a sign of aging and not a sign of an AN. I've had seven MRI's and they took from 10 min to an hour (most were about 45 min); it depends on how much of your head is scanned. It is painless if not relaxing with the right attitude.

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to drdeanbellavia

I have bad sinusitis pain... On and off. Tired. Dull ear ache sometimes. And tmj on right side.

NewbieSS85 profile image

I am only 30.. No signs of anything just I heard a high pitch then dullness.

Was first told I had a blocked tube but ENT said it was nerve damage after hearing test. Was given steroids for 10days.

I'm taking immune system boosting meds.... But everyone around me is sick so caught it.

Did a second hearing test it came same as previous...

Now on cirrus for 5days.

It's amazing how a 8000hz I can hear in left yet in right nothing.

Ear feels numb, even around scalp. V itchy at times too inside canal. Hear weird sounds at.times too.

Plus I'm v stressed... And suffer from anxiety.

Anglina profile image

Hi, I have an Acoustic Neuroma tumour on my right ear nerve. I have extensive hearing loss in that ear only and tinnitus. These are mostly the only symptoms I have at the moment, some balance issues if I get up in the night. I first discovered I had hearing loss twenty years ago and my AN is still too small for any treatment. So, even if you have a tumour, its not the end of the world. It doesnt' stop me from any activities, although I get more tired and have to pace myself some days. If you have, or if you haven't, you can't change it. Look at all the possible reasons and then plan what you would do for each answer.

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to Anglina

So far no balance issues. Just blocked ear... Itchy too at times. And can't hear frequency over 6khz.

NewbieSS85 profile image

I know you're right. It's just too difficult to believe. I just got married too. The tinnitus atm doesn't bug me. Even the fact I can only hear up to 6000hz. It's the weird numbness I have around ear...

Well today I have my appointment re my thyroid. First I need to get that over and done with.

Then I got my mri tonight.

NewbieSS85 profile image

BTW does anyone have a weird sensation around TMJ area and scalp area near top of ear? It feels numb or dead.. Strange.. But if I poke it it hurts... So it's not numb.. Strange to describe

NewbieSS85 profile image

Hi all. Just got back from my endocrinologist appointment. Thyroid is fine. Bloods and scan OK too. Was told not to worry and only redo meds if I get pregnant. So that's one thing OK.

Off to my mri soon. Atm I feel pressure in head. Sinus like pain (although every doc tells me I don't have sinus) and I keep thinking I can hear white noise in right ear. Still blocked too with numbness around jaw and scalp.

I know I'm stressed and anxious. Just had a herbal tea.

NewbieSS85 profile image

So MRI is done.. it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. They gave me earplugs and headphones so the noise was much better to deal with.

Now.. the wait for the results...... i'm getting pressure headaches and tingling on head..

At times i feel like i have sinus in nose cheeks and jaw.. at other times i feel like my teeth has gone rotten and need pulling out ://

Ear is still blocked.. at times can be painful then itchy.. the sensation is the horrible part.. touching ear or sleeping on it feels like its not mine..

Sorry for all the updates but it helps to write this all down..

NewbieSS85 profile image

Another update..

Yday had my ENT follow up. New things were found :( right jaw muscle inflamed. So been given pain killers and anti inflammatory meds.

Also there's no fluid behind ear drum but was unable to pop ears. So still a mystery as to why ear is blocked.

Woke up to find it even more blocked, a bit dizzy :( and numbness around ear head.

I just feel like things are bad and so scared.

Sturyan13 profile image

Hi I also have the strange feeling it's like half my head isn't there I'm due my mri on Saturday 3rd March just hope we can get some answers how did you go on with your mri results 😊

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to Sturyan13

yes i know how u feel!! today i had to go to the dentist so having an injection on the other side didnt help much... :) luckily this feeling wears off..

I am still waiting for my results. I finish my antihistamines tonight and still have 8 more days on pain killers and anti inflammatory meds for my inflamed jaw muscle.. (TMJ related). Bad thing is that it can happen again... so have to be careful..

Waiting is the worst thing ever.. but should have results either tomorrow or Monday... fingers crossed!!

Good luck with your MRI... oh i asked for earplugs as well as the headphones.. helped alot!!! sound wasn't that bad and took a few deep breaths before entering helped as i panic in closed spaces.

NewbieSS85 profile image

So still no reply re MRI results. still on pain killers and anti inflammatory meds... 3 more days to go and then will see if I have any pain/discomfort after. Ear is still blocked..

But dental wise all is ok and jaw is improving. just wish my congestion could go and eat open up. Its popping alot.. and cracking :/

NewbieSS85 profile image

Hey all. I finally got my MRI results!!!!! They all came back normal. Normal MRI. Normal IAM.

Now i have a followup in 2 weeks... and try and find out why my hearing in right is not 100% - its low on 6000-8000Hz.

I have the odd pain deep in ear and at times v itchy... and skin on scalp is still numb...

julie012 profile image

Hello I have been reading your post. O am waiting for MRI scan. I had a very bad cold and infection in Nov last year which affected my sinuses and ears and my left ear remains slightly deaf. I had antibiotics as has burst eardrum in right ear. I was at ENT last Wednesday as referred by GP as my ears sns sinuses were taking forever to clear up and they still are not cleared. At the ENT appoint they did a hearing test and I have substantial hearing loss in left ear, I was quite shocked at the result. Thr dictor then said i need MRI scan to see if there is a tumour. I had no idea that he would mention such a scarey possibility and had complete meltdown when I left hospital. I hope my scan is soon he said a few weeks but that could mean anything. My left ear clicks and I feel I can make it and click myself. I have no idea what is going on and wish he had never mentioned it being something so frightening but I guess they don't have any other answers at the moment. Feeling very frightened.

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to julie012

I know how you feel... I had the same thing. I can make it click too... its strange to describe :)

I am told my sinuses are fine :/ but i feel sinus pressure and yday i had a terrible headache and ear pain.

I know it's scary... I was so worried when I was told it might be a tumour... My next aapt is next week... no idea what they are going to say or do now... I still cant hear well in right.. so a hearing test will just show bad results..

All I can say is, take note of all symptoms and jot them down.. and when you see specialist update him/her.

I know its useless to say don't stress as I was super worried... but try and not stress too much..

keep us posted!!! hope all goes well..

julie012 profile image

Thank you so much for responding. I understand a lot of your symptoms and also the sensation with the hairbrush too. I wonder what they will say or find it you nxt week I will be very interested to know the explanation of hearing loss. I would imagine sometimes they just don't know. Will keep note of my symptoms as you suggested. Will try not to stress out but it's on my mind every waking moment and have mini meltdowns especially in the mornings when the fear kicks it. Will keep you posted and thank you again.

NewbieSS85 profile image
NewbieSS85 in reply to julie012

Don't worry - as soon as I go for my appointment I will let you know how I get on... hopefully it will be good news... and immediate not waiting for 3 more weeks.... but as long as it's good news or curable... i don't mind the wait.

I found that drinking loads of water and exercising helped me alot.. i also was given vitabiotic immune extra vitamins... i still have the odd sneeze and blocked nose (since dec 2017!!) but overall i feel 50% better.

I have also started a healthier diet... more salads , water, fruits,...... cutting out carbs late at night, no alcohol, trying to avoid taking any other meds unless given to me by my doc. Sleep!!! 8 hours minimum.. and trying to decrease stress levels. A chinese doc told me that stress can do strange things to the body... (i am a huge worrier...) and suffer from anxiety but trying to overcome my fears..

no matter what is wrong... they will find out - good or not so good... and you will tackle it.

just like i will too... unfortunately things take time... but if you follow my steps they might help.. :)

NewbieSS85 profile image

So in 2 days I have my hospital appointment... Getting a bit anxious...

Will keep you posted....

NewbieSS85 profile image

Had my hosp appt... nothing new. Was just told MRI was fine. Had both ears looked at again - all normal. No one knows what is wrong.. was told i can also fly.. just need to take cirrus and hysan a day before and after flying...

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