Hi I found my acoustic neuroma year ago I had last MRI scan in June also I got 5mm left side cerebellum cyst.
Doctor said is no change in the size of my AN and advise me to do next MRI scan in 12 months time.
I got strange symptoms on left side of my face where is AN. I m filing lots of cold ,hot or wet symptoms my eye is dry my ear is pain full and some times I filling headache but unfortunately doctor said that all sension are not comming from AN. I m sure they are commoing frm acoustic neoroma. Thats fhat I found on NHS website :
"Facial numbness, tingling or pain –are relatively rare symptoms which can occur if the tumour begins to press on the nerve that controls feeling and sensation in your face (known as the trigeminal nerve)."
Also he said there is no other worrying neurological symptoms.
Every day I got these extremily worry symptoms I don t know what to do please advise what should I do or where Should I go for advise.
Thank you all.