It's pretty chilly already, with few bright days. The thoughts of long dark days through winter can be depressing.
What raises your mood and keeps you occupied.
It's pretty chilly already, with few bright days. The thoughts of long dark days through winter can be depressing.
What raises your mood and keeps you occupied.
Right now, mainly a deep will to survive, no matter how mean the voice in my head gets (and it's pretty nasty). And the knowledge I am not alone and many people fight like I do when the days are dreary and the nights long.
One good thing about long nights. They are good for stargazing. I have loved astronomy since I was a small boy.
Hello chloe40,
I thought I would reply today, as I like seeing your messages pop up.
I focus on the length of the day as winter goes by. As soon as the shortest day goes by, I know we're on our way out!
I also like to cross off days each season, on an A4 piece of paper. It helps me focus on where we are at in the season and to make the most of when we are in spring and autumn, my 2 favourite seasons. I celebrate when it gets to 1st March and 1st September!
And I love sunny days with frost, or snow (if it only lasts 24 hours!) I dress for the weather in winter, so don't focus on the cold so much.
My future plan is to make cushion covers to match the seasons too. I really want the palest blue material with white snowflakes on. May need to get creative for that one... 😂
And I do play a lot of Sims on my laptop...
Do you have any strategies?
Hi Hidden
Great to hear from you!
I love your ideas, particularly like crossing off the days, excellent idea.
I also focus on 1st March as I seem to relax and think the worst is over but of course, the weather is still unpredictable. I do like the early dark evenings though, it's cosy.
Unfortunately, I'm not good at crafts but I do try, I started knitting a jumper 2years ago and have only finished the front and back! Maybe it will be ready for next winter!
I read a lot, and when the fancy takes me I spend some time on adult colouring greyscale, they are brilliant pictures, but there again I have to be in the mood.
I lack motivation sadly.
Great idea to make cushion cover to match the season, really good idea.
Ideas always appreciated.
I totally agree regarding the weather after 1st March. I love the surprise February days, that sometimes happen, when the sun is out and in a sheltered spot with many layers on, you can pretend it is spring.
I love reading, but can't focus right now because of my anxieties. I have just reserved the first book of 3 from the library that is of not too bad thickness. So I will try again.
And I love the earlier dark evenings for about a week! 😊
I do find that reading actually has a very positive effect on my anxiety. I forget about whatever else in going on, but of course it's got to be a book I'm really interested in.
Can you manage fiction? As I can read factual, but really miss fiction.
I haven't heard of greyscale adult colouring. I have some adult colouring books. Haven't used them. I am like that with a big knitting project, I think I am just too slow a knitter. I am thinking of knitting a scarf as a winter project. It would be good for me to have less technology time, but it does help me manage my anxieties better, especially YouTube...
I think I am going to set up my table by the window and see if I can do something while listening to and watching the birds. It's good to hear your ideas.
Yes, I ca manage but I do like both.
Oh yes, me too, very slow, I think that's why I get fed up and put it aside for a while.
Yes, a scarf is a good idea.
That's a great idea, putting your table near the window, I'll give that a try too.
Take care
And you chloe40 🙂