I feel like something is missing in my life! I'm constantly bored with life and have to motivation in doing anything! I'm a high school student, I do good enough to blend in with other( not too smart and not too dumb) but ever since school started I always feel like something is missing even though my activities and personality haven't change one bit! I don't have school stress, I have parents who understands that score isn't everything, I have good friend and a pet dog but I no longer feel happy and motivated like the last few years! My daily routine is simple: wake up - go to school - get home - sit on the couch with my phone - dinner - homework - sleep! I never have any thought about committing suicide! I love life and I want to grown up to become a great son and make my parent proud so I think I have a pretty good goal in life! My problem is that I feel bored when I'm doing well... anything! I feel bored when I'm eating when I'm at school learning, doing homework even when I play video game or watch YouTube! I feel unmotivated to do anything! I need help and advice to be able to be happy again!
I constantly feel bored and unmotivated - Above & Beyond - ...
I constantly feel bored and unmotivated
Hi Butterlover1245
I am so sorry you are feeling this way there's nothing worse than "same routine same day" we all do it we all live it my friend maybe try changing your routine you probably already have but change can help in so many ways..have you spoken to a parent,friend,high school teacher about how you feel?
You are not alone in this. I’m here for you.
You may not believe it now, but the way you’re feeling will change.
I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but I care enough to want to help.
There's a bunch of lovely members on here who know what your going through and I'm sure they will advise you in some way but keep your spirits up things will not always be so bleak
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through.I have an idea of what you might be feeling cause I felt it before at the beginning of the year. Maybe you should try changing your routine, even though it's boring. Try spending more time outdoors and less time on your phone or any electronic device. Try observing the patterns in nature and see if you feel any difference.
Have you thought about volunteering somewhere? I have found when I get bored I need to reach out to others. It always invigorates me and gives me focus. It sounds like you have so much together and could help others.