I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I have depression. The first time I was really down was around 4-5 years ago when I first cut. When I did it, it felt good and I felt so much better, I actually smiled. I can’t remember exactly what triggered the bad feelings; maybe turning into a teenager and all the raging hormones…I don’t know. But what I can remember is sitting in my grandparent’s room lying next to my sleeping granddad and scratching at my wrist so hard it bled. I think we found out again that my granddad’s cancer had come back and maybe some stuff was going on at school. But I’m not sure.
Fast forward to just turning 16 last year and I think that’s when it started again. I didn’t notice at first but it just got progressively worse. I noticed more this year; during exam time I was so stressed I couldn’t sleep, I was missing days of college and had a constant tension headache. But now even after exams, I feel completely worthless. It’s like there’s a million different voices in my head worrying about millions of different things at one time. So many things are running through my head I can’t even tell my parents what’s wrong when I’m sat in their room crying my eyes out. I’ve always been a worrier. For as long as I can remember I’ve overthought every situation and I still obsess about things that happened or things I’ve said years ago that were and still are juvenile and ridiculous.
I want to cut again - I did scratch and to get everyone off my back I said I burnt myself on a pan, I’m a bit clumsy and supposedly a bad cook - it’s like there’s an ache underneath my skin. Like the blood is singing to be let out; like I shouldn’t be here anymore. I don’t think anyone would miss me, my mum gets annoyed whenever I’m in a mood and I try to explain I don’t know what’s wrong. I know she has her own problems but I just can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to be here.
I went to the doctors and they told me to get in touch with our school councillor but what good is that when we’re on summer holidays? I want to go back but I think I’m scared that everyone will find out and blame me for putting strain on my parents - like my mums friend did on my own birthday - and think I’m just an attention seeker. I’ve always been painted as the smart and responsible one and I feel bad to do anything because I feel like I’m a burden on everyone. I try to change to make everyone happy but it’s not working anymore. I can’t do it.
Sorry for the long paragraphs but, I don’t know what else to do and who to turn to. Everyone else (I feel so bad for saying this) doesn't seem to care