I’m pregnant 6 week , Is such bleeding normal?
#pregnant : I’m pregnant 6 week , Is such... - Women's Health

Hi! A couple of things. Bleeding can occur in the first trimester for some women, so bleeding itself isn’t problematic. However, this does look like a fair bit of blood, so it’s probably best to check in with your doctor.
Also, since you’re posting blood, it would be great if you put a TW: blood at the beginning of your post next time 😊

🙂Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy.
It's not unusual to see some spotting at six weeks, but it should be light, not even enough to cover a small pantyliner. This implantation bleeding is normal, but if you see a lot of blood, if the spotting lasts longer than two days, or you have any concerns, be sure to see your doctor right away. Cramping.
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I would advise you attend your local EPU/ emergancy A&E department just for a check over and your own reassurance.
Without a doubt deffo get checked over z