I m 26 years old my weight is 115kg and height is 180 cm.
How to reduce weight in 60 days - Weight Loss & Obe...
How to reduce weight in 60 days
hi jeet, i feel getting nutritional now a days is very very rare. without enough nutrition getting into weight management program may not work properly. i would say it wont be a healthy weight loss. it wont sustain for loss time. i would suggest you to go for healthy weight management. If you want further details shoot a mail to this email id hemimavunnam@gmail.com
Obesity is real issue around here. There are many who keep on giving suggestions, try this and that.....but very rare understand the real science behind weight loss. Weight loss can be done without crash diet and hell lot of gym. I understand the process and there are three main ingredients : 1. Balanced Nutrition (Good eating habits & necessary nutritional supplements) 2. Personalized Programs (Program which is made according you body and schedule) 3. Healthy Active Lifestyle ( Not necessarily exercise Eg. taking stairs instead lift)......
I'm your wellness coach who will keep keen eye on all of these and help you achieve target undoubtedly.