Advice : I’ve always been a size 8, but... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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5 Replies

I’ve always been a size 8, but since the birth of my son I’ve gone to size 22. I feel disgusted, even remove mirrors in the house. I lack confidence and become an introvert. I often cry when I see people who make me feel worthless cuz of my size. I do need to lose weight but also need the help and support from people who have had similar experience with weight struggles.

So I’m asking what can I do to lose weight?

I do know but any tips and advice that will help me motivate myself, it’s a scary journey. I don’t want to overwhelm myself you see.

5 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, LuppiiLuii :)

You haven't said how old your son is, but it takes a while before our bodies recover and if your son is still a baby, or nursing, then you should concentrate more on healthy eating, than weight loss. That's also true if your son is older, as it will be important for you to be a good role model.

Don't be disgusted with yourself, treat yourself as you would your best friend, or any one of us. You may find this helpful too

The best thing you can do, is log on frequently, read all the information and get involved.

Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.

To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link

Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.

Wishing you all the best :)

S11m profile image

Hi Hidden , welcome.

Weight loss is not all about motivation and masochism - if you "slim smart" it is not so hard!

Many of us here find that what works is a combination of The Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Snacking All Day AKA Intermittent Fasting (IF). See:

focused1 profile image

You really sound like me I did . I piled on weight over the years and old photos of me dancing , posing after gym comps ...I was 46 kg then . I had my wake up call when at 80kg and only 5ft 1 - I had no confidence . I hated my job , my life etc. I had 5 wonderful healthy boys . I was proud , protective but I hurt inside . I wanted nice clothes , a new job and a new ME .

Only I could do this so ....firstly set a date to start . Plan your meals ...that means smaller portions too . Remember this isn't a diet as this has to be realistic for all day , everyday with a few treats then back on track . I did via calories and the MFP app for guidance , support and to actually remember what I ate and what I could put together .

I would eat plenty of decent protein ..keep yourself full . Omelettes , cottage cheese , lean grilled chicken / pork .

Try and get some time out . A group exercise class even once a week to escape .

Don't expect overnight results but 1-2lbs a week in terms of bags of sugar .

It didn't do me any harm to have a good cry , get angry , feel annoyed . This can motivate you.

Unsure how old your child is but my advise is get out of the house . Walk to the library . Get books for both of you , maybe storytime ? Mums /Tots groups ...we aren't all yummy Mummys posing in mags with the latest 1k prams !

The upshot of this is for me job , different clothes , confidence to get my hair restyled inside of my usual ' pair of curtains ' style . Not dreading any warm weather and just feeling I can walk down the street with ease .

Well done for being so honest . Your story hit me as so many feel like this but can't / don't want to face it .

Support is here .Make that start whilst you feel like this .

Hello I went from a size 10 to a size 18 having my son. My hubby worked night's at the time I felt very alone. I hid, comfort ate and cried. I suddenly realised I had a healthy happy smiling reason to get up and change right in front of me. I walked miles with him in the pushchair. I plugged my MP3 in held my head up high ignoring the looks and walked. Every day I made myself get out, I joined mother and toddler groups and found women just like me. All struggling to loose weight. Some did it easy, some found it hard. It took time but I went down to a 12. I was happy with that, pregnancy changed my body I didn't like it, but that little boy and his beautiful smile gave me all the encouragement I needed. Don't be hard on yourself, weight loss isn't easy it doesn't happen as quick as we would like it too. By admitting you need to loose is a positive step and the beginning of your journey. There is lots of advice here and people ready to encourage you. Good luck x

Hello Hidden,

I can totally relate to what you’re writing. Just from my experience, the very first time I tried to lose weight my daughter was 3 months old (she’s my 3rd child)and it was way too soon I think because I felt so tired and I think my diet wasn’t sustainable...

Nowadays, my daughter is almost 6 years old and I thought I would give it another try... I started in September. I wanted something sustainable and I really liked the idea of not going on a diet but just changing my mindset about food and everything (like loving myself even if I’m a bit overweight)...

I bought a kitchen scale and now try to do some portion control. I try to cook everything at home and I buy lots of fresh vegetables / food.

I exercise too.

Everything I do is not perfect... I probably eat too much bread, but I’m trying every day. In the end, I think that’s what counts.

Also you’ll find great support here!

Good luck!😁

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