Worried: I have severe back problems and... - Weight Loss Support

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margoswald profile image
17 Replies

I have severe back problems and am in a lot of pain. I can't walk very far and I need some form of exercise as it seems that all you hear about is doing more exercise which is fine if you can. I used to walk a lot, power walking too but I can't do that now. Any suggestions? I can't swim anymore either as due to the back problems my right leg doesn't work. What a mess - any suggestions would be gratefully received.

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margoswald profile image
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17 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome back margoswald 😊

The good news is that whilst exercise is good for us in many ways, for weight loss it’s far more important to eat properly.

Any movement is good, I walk very slowly at the moment but I also do some very gentle yoga and some strength exercises. We have been discussing it here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... do you may find some of the suggestions helpful 😊

Best wishes


Hello margoswald welcome to the forum. I am in the same situation as you have had 4 spine surgeries in the past left with chronic pain damage nerves in legs and arms due to the vertebrae. Tingling and numbness and coldness in legs for knee Downwards. This as gone on now for 36 yrs. losing weight it very difficult and slow, but you can do it I have, it I can do it you can cut down say 100 200 cals a day. I see One of the admin as already sent to you something to read. Only this last week when I saw the specialist he said do not swim but go to the pool and walk in the water, this will help as the water takes your weight away. Just walk up and down.

I walk with a stick some days I walk a little say 1000 to 2000 steps then I have had a enough. I was told to pace myself. It is not easy as I like to get everything done at once.

Read all about the forum plan your meals weekly or daily which ever is easier for you. I do on line shop as I am not able to Carry much. Although I do like to look at my veg and fruit, before buying. I have started cooking more and in bulk. I have managed to save mor money and healthy food does not need to be expensive.

For me it is plan and plan some more if I wake up feeling bad I do nothing if I walk up feeling not too bad I do a little and then if I feel good I do more. It is you that has to plan and do what your body wants only you can do that but we are here to support and encourage you. Join in with the Daily Diary the challenges and what’s happening for a chat. Again I welcome yo and take care. As you know your self the best. 💐😊😊😊😊

margoswald profile image
margoswald in reply to

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I really can sympathise with you and your back problems. I've only had problems for the last 20 years and they are getting worse - I just feel that nobody really cares apart from my specialist who has been amazing and tries so hard to find something to alleviate the pain but nothing seems to work. Perhaps I shouldn't say it by our local surgery just couldn't care less. I'll try walking in water instead of trying to swim.

in reply to margoswald

Hi margoswald I don’t think it’s that they don’t care it’s more they don’t know what to do. The fusion that I had done they don’t do it any more as they now know it doesn’t work. It starts affecting The discs above the fusion, as they get used to compensate the ones below that you are unable to use. That’s in my case anyway. We know our bodies more than the drs and we do what is best for us. We look as though there is nothing wrong also. The amount of folk who have said you look good Sometimes I could slap them because it they only New the pain and effect I do to get me looking good. I just say thanks and smile. I was told only go to the hospital if I become unable to control my bladder. So we have to smile and get on with it. 😊😊

TheAwfulToad profile image

I feel for you - I have similar problems - but as per the standing advice, the only answer is to exercise as best you can.

I went to the doctor with quite serious back pain, and weird sensations in my limbs, about 15 years ago. They poked me around a bit, zapped me a bit to test nerve conduction, and finally said, yeah, you have some back problems. Well, thanks guys. What do I do about it? Answer: not much we can do, it'll probably get steadily worse.

I decided my best option was to just build up my spinal musculature as best I could. So that's what I did. And it worked (my posture is better too). I still get the occasional twinge, but on balance it's much better than it was. It is definitely not worse.

You'll just have to get creative with the exercises you do. Focus on your core muscles. Start slowly and carefully and push yourself a little harder each time. You will improve.

Pointless anecdote: there's an old boy who walks past the coffee shop that I go to most mornings. He must be about 160, but every day without fail he shuffles past on his walker at 0.6mph. Good on him. I imagine there's still a young strapping lad inside his head, holding up a middle finger at the universe and saying, "you will NOT beat me!"

in reply to TheAwfulToad

I was a nurse in the late 60 early 70 before all these hoists and lifting gear was invented and we used to lift people weighing upwards of 12 sts . That’s what did me in and slowly it gets worse. We can only do our best and live as much as possible. 😊😊

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to

My mum has terrible neck/back problems (nursing at the same time as you). She says the same thing.

in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thank you for your acknowledgement. She is right. And the saying is Mams always knows best. Haha😊😊😊

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to

I think what annoys her most is that the hoists/lifts were available. It's just that nobody considered nurses' health important enough to actually buy some.

It's a bit different these days, I hear!

in reply to TheAwfulToad

A lot different now they would go on strike if they had to do what we did. 😊

I can recommend Pilates with a good teacher for back strengthening exercise. Following two collapsed discs in 2016, which saw me in terrible pain, I did intensive physio for four months with a physio/Pilates teacher, and I have continued with Pilates classes ever since. My posture and back flexibility are better than they have ever been (retired teacher).

S11m profile image

I have mild back problems caused by a car crash, a glider crash, a cycle crash and a skiing fall.

I think that losing four stone helped.

My regular trips to the osteopath are now down to once every two months.

Massage could help... but my osteopath charges similar money and works on soft tissue as well as bones.

Depending on your particular problem, stretches can help recovery or minimise (further) problems.

There is a lot of "information" on the internet, and the other day I "learnt" that, if you can place both hands flat on the ground with your knees straight - your body is 25... Being 70 I am glad to know that my body is twenty-five so I do it every morning to prove to myself that I am young! (Being long in the back helps.)

I also do a "cat-stretch" and cobra to flex my back the other way.

I stand in front of a mirror - knees locked, feet firmly planted facing away from a mirror. Hands behind my head... look over my left shoulder at the mirror with my right eye and vice-versa. Sometimes I feel clicks indicating that vertebrae have re-aligned themselves.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to S11m

Note to self: don't be a passenger in a vehicle with S11m :)

S11m profile image
S11m in reply to TheAwfulToad

The car crash was about 50 years ago!

G1nny profile image
G1nny in reply to S11m

I go to accupuncture and only for the suction cups on my lower back. Works very well.

flo72003 profile image

I think Tai Chi might be a good option for you. As far as I know it helps straightening your muscles. If you can find suitable class near you.


margoswald profile image
margoswald in reply to flo72003

Thank you for that suggestion. I think that's a good idea. I've always fancied trying Tai Chi.

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